Friday, April 18, 2008

Where To Buy Poreotix Shades

assume management responsibilities party lines is not it

Kurt Beck (SPD) and Fulvio Pelli (FDP Switzerland) - two party president, the best M oment missed the jump and it only hurt her party.

What do wrong party lines in a crisis? Why miss their party president bounce? How to get a change of leadership without losing face?

issued Worst of parties, if their governing bodies do not perceive the leadership responsibility. This is particularly the case when party president did not react in crisis situations and often too late, completely wrong. Even worse is it when almost everything is screwed up and missed the party president to respond promptly to take the hat and to the party only to ride in the mess. You miss so that the outside is so important signal "We have noticed the crisis, we have analyzed it, we act".
Many parties sinful, however, already with career planning. This is often available only for oneself, but is lacking in terms of overall party. When present, it is usually not transparent. Career planning should be a central task of party-line forums. Silvio Berlusconi was a week ago, brilliant in Italy elected Premier, because it competition from the left, had failed as coming from the right in recent years, specifically a strong Competitors to build. To be any leaders the rungs of his own career was in the eye. In Germany the same dilemma: Kurt Beck has forfeited its chance-Chancellor for a long time, but this seems not to have noticed and are only now beginning to be hectic, sometimes furtively look around for alternatives.
Beck's SPD has come for months in a downward spiral, hastened from defeat to defeat and desperately needs a clear signal to the outside. Beck acts to clear, like Veltroni and Prodi in Italy. If a certain tunnel vision is not available, Beck would recognize that for his ailing SPD needs a new motivational jolt the cause he can not. A pulse and if, as usual in football, would be triggered by the replacement of the coach. Beck, however, clings to his job and thus indirectly blocking the revival of the party. No one from the party line waagt to him to talk over clear text. And now comes the above-mentioned system error comes into play: No one wants to be remembered as a regicide in the history of a party. Any promotion prospects would be so there. See Gabriela Pauli in Bavaria.
very similar picture in Switzerland: legislation for legislative loses the FDP Switzerland massively share of the vote and parliamentary seats. Its current president, Fulvio Pelli, he more of a tame, colorless politician clings desperately to his office to his job, like a drowning man to his board. And here, no waagt from the party leadership to intervene. At yesterday's party meeting of the FDP Switzerland, he was confirmed in office with applause. Instead of a start signal offered Pelli rallying.
see why in politics, but also in the economy, these changes usually take place too late? The answer is systemic in nature: in addition to the threatened loss of face, the role holder, it is mostly about maintaining power. Much time and energy is lost that could be put effectively in the party. But the personal career planning Party line members prevented a faster response.
Have you ever heard that party leaders give sentences like this of himself:
  • "John Brown has done over the last two years for our party a great job I will leave the party line on him, because under his leadership. We will bring our party right now the best forward. "
  • "Currently we are in a crisis. Externally, we must now put out a sign which is seen as setting the tone. This can only happen if I resign from my office." (Here I must add that SP-Switzerland President Hans-Jürg Fehr, one of the notable exceptions, this selfless step of the resignation has undertaken)
  • "I bring as party president of the positive, motivating signal effect it now needs to the next elections even necessarily, not anymore. We need a person bring to the party leadership, the people trust to which they believe. "
is often missing but simply from the relentless openness of direct reports, the party functionaries in the environment. Too much is it in politics for their own career move on the goodwill of its predecessor, relies on its pusch effect. Or have you ever heard that a party committee member told the president:
  • "Have you ever wondered to delegate management tasks, or even connect a second link in return?"
  • "You have really done a lot for the party, and have absolutely no feel guilty if you would now take it easy".
  • "What do you think of Hans Mueller's excellent performance in recent years? Should we not send him more management responsibility and decision-making powers? I think that might later make an excellent successor for you."
  • "What do you think, how we can best signal to the outside that we have recognized the problem that we act, ? That changes take place "
course, one can such talks have to address diplomatic, yet building upon and promising the same, and here again the system error. A not inconsiderable residual risk remains, as in others, the superior career killer, considered the king of killers are, even if that is not express. Such a risk almost no one wants go. younger party colleagues not because they do not have a viable career jumps ahead. Older officers, because they fear that at worst, make the political function to have.
power and financial Prosperity are two points that you do not like to lose. The key motivation for the convulsive clinging to a leadership position, however, the threat of losing face. Nobody wants to go through the streets and every man you meet, suppose that the thinking now: I see, Kurt Beck, who has failed miserably. That's the Pelli, who has partly responsible for the FDP descent. Here it is for party officials, to find a way out of the impasse. Ways that can prevent a loss of face for the best possible way. You simply put the grievance at an early stage at the root, we speak to him, so it is safe to even find a front door from which the battered, perhaps even with a success in the luggage can leave office without losing face.
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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

50 Bushnell Scope Vtr

Berlusconi and the mafia - back in the game

lifted the Berlusconi and Veltroni colorless

why they chose him? Why the others failed? What will he move?
big success for the 71-year-old "Duce" blend from Italy. For the third time he made the election to the prestigious office-gious Italy. For an honest - and, as in Prodi - colorless competitors. But why is the stupidest calves every now and then choose their own butcher?
we look back briefly: During his last term made it Berlsuconi, stamp of Italy's economy into the ground. His record was catastrophic. To determine he was busy trying to secure his power in politics and business and expand. Too hard as he was busy trying to improve his fortune. Too hard as he was busy trying to develop strategies, as the many could avoid lawsuits against his person. Countless times he was able to bend laws in the parliament so that it is a legitimate sentencing before happened.
The switch from the lira to the euro was under Berlusconi and became a real change from the Lira Teuro. Berlusconi did not prevent that broke the purchasing power of his countrymen since the introduction of the euro by a full third. Hardly anyone still travels abroad to Italy to buy low.
Berlusconi dominated the media like no other before him. Is it not a TV station, he takes overtly influence on the transmitter. Berlusconi afforded the most embarrassing blunders and lapses, and was elected in spite of everything again. Why is this? Why only the stupidest calves but always choose their own butcher. Why does this macho Italy, this selfish, these cheaters, these law-breakers?
Because the competition slept through it, building a strong competitor. Because the competition fell under the Irrgaluben, Prodi would still get some time. Because even the bourgeois parties had no competing candidates. The ultra-rights in the North, Umberto Bossi, a boyfriend, after his stroke, barely a sentence out correctly, we hear nothing more of Fini and other right-wing hopefuls are not in sight. Many Italians feel that only someone Italy can pull out of the mud, the self-stamped a successful business empire from the ground, using every tool is right to be successful. Berlusconi has proven that he can do.
Berlusconi was elected in the north (60 of 340 seats in parliament went to the Northern League), because we did not want the "lazy" South even more funds will be awarded. Berlusconi chose the South because they still have the feeling that the bridge would be built to Sicily with Berlusconi and because they persuaded the Mafia, that could ensure support for the South with Berlusconi. In return, Berlusconi promised the Mafia, Mafia arrested a number of be subject to amnesty.
Berlsuconi failure by the garbage crisis to get a grip? If he succeeds, to save Alitalia? The former is able to signal because Don Silvio want him, in contrast to Prodi create something and he has always had a good line to organized crime . Berlusconi will bring the garbage mafia to cooperate. Alitalia it will have greater difficulty. But even here he has good, if not all the doubts raised wires and contacts with decision makers in politics and business.
How long will rule Berlusconi? In what state he is Italy hinterlassensein next time? Berlusconi is at the beginning thanks to the support of his assistants in business and organized "associations" two win, three political successes, and than feed on them and devote more to his ego undisturbed. Its failure will be more about balance for Italy even worse than last time Italy will be left to the outside even more isolated, because Berlusconi - as opposed to national - abroad has little credit. This only takes care of Berlusconi's voters no. You already know what they have in Don Silvio, and what will happen to them. You have voted for him in the full knowledge of his "strengths".

Links to related articles:
validate 70 motivi per non votar Berlusconi (Italian) triumphed
Berlusconi in elections in Italy (politically incorrect)