Comments About Obama - State of the Union
as V
Orab I on two Speeches of Barack Obama which are relevant especially in comparison instructive. Friday, January 29, 2010
How To Find The Relic Of Eternity Second Floor
here - youtube
second His criticism of the last "State of the Union" speech by President Bush (here - youtube
see ch here, a President Obama, who is humble compared to his office and to gloss over not the situation in the United States tries. He does not act as an ideologue, not a preacher, not as a militarist, chauvinist, but like a man who tried to be honest in what he says.
E s is somehow peculiar. Those who were at the time of President Bush in journalism as a blogger or presented as decidedly "pro-American" are in Barack Obama now a lot more disappointed than they were by Bush Junior at the end of his term. They accuse Obama of being a kind of con artist, who had acted as a "messiah."
I do ch me hard to understand this view. Certainly an American president no savior, nor is he a demon (which was a common view of the left political camp). He's just a part (!) Of the American system, and the power of his office, although compared to German standards, very large, but at the same time he is as an American president is limited in its power, not only because of the inertia of political management structures and political apparatus, but also by blocking capabilities of the Senate of Representatives and also by an American Constitutional Court, where five conservative sharp and highly politicized Judges use their majority.
I s military and foreign policy decisions he is privileged over the rest of the American political system, not least as commander in chief - perhaps also provides a general statement review of why American presidents such a big interest in military policy and military foreign policy.
E r appoints ministers, and is consistent with the directors and officers appointed by him largely above the powerful intelligence agencies, and other federal agencies. He can block legislative initiatives of a hostile Congress with his veto, at least until there 2/3-majority no veto against his will. He can pardon and may appoint, in cooperation with the Senate, federal judges. What an abundance of power!
A over already in the implementation of healthcare reform is an American president, compared for example with the German chancellor, a really poor dog who would not even use, if in the House of Representatives would have a 2/3-majority if unite the senators who were close to the U.S. Senate
than 60 percent of the vote on you.
he next years in office Obama will be hard for him, especially with the domestic issues of importance to him, because it depends on the implementation of its policy on majorities that he has not seen since the election debacle of his party in Massachusetts.
ielleicht he will be at the end of his term of office similar to mock Jimmy Carter. He suggests these days that he was not anticipating a second term. But at least he will then have been in office, no president who has hundreds of thousands of lives on his conscience, and no one to the tune of the Beach Boys' bomb, bomb, Iran! "sings. This is worth a lot.
Z u think is, unfortunately, that the next president will be back after a crazed militarist Obama, and one who recognizes in tax cuts for top earners a kind of God's command. Consider: even today look just over 50 percent of American citizens the right-wing U.S. channel Fox News to be particularly balanced, and as an example of a fair coverage (!) (!).
it other words, the passage of the U.S. social rights goes on and you may even worry that this direction will further radicalize. In 2013 we hope may be that then a crazy Egomanin like Sarah Palin will win the race - and not worse.
The State of the Union remains bad.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Eurosport Infiniti Elliptical 950
reloaded special praise for Alan Posener
I felt impelled to praise Mr. Posen expressly clairvoyant for a perhaps not very, but very significant political commentary
. My praise is as follows:
The Left Party is thus a party that openly " runs for entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants and the like interest policy. "?
well as that you know that Mr Alan Posener could.
Man you can for your clear-sighted and certainly in every detail - hardly enough praise right post - as in his general direction. Before the argumentative focus your thoughts episodes, Mr. Posen, the largest fading minds of European history.
I felt impelled to praise Mr. Posen expressly clairvoyant for a perhaps not very, but very significant political commentary
. My praise is as follows:
The Left Party is thus a party that openly " runs for entrepreneurs, lawyers, accountants and the like interest policy. "?
well as that you know that Mr Alan Posener could.
We see Posen argues factual, convincing, balanced - and not a bit more like an angry neo "liberal", which the arguments have gone if, for the FDP Klientelistenpartei take the argumentative party.
Bravo, Mr. Posen! You are in my estimation has increased significantly. Man you can for your clear-sighted and certainly in every detail - hardly enough praise right post - as in his general direction. Before the argumentative focus your thoughts episodes, Mr. Posen, the largest fading minds of European history.
It is not right bourgeois bad breath in which their words have disappeared, but it is the unverdunklete light of truth and enlightenment. Who would doubt it?
Anyone here a certain Mockery and malice of a crazy reasoning of a stiff-minded FDP friend read out, the irony has a working detector.
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