Sunday, August 29, 2010

The Wizard Was Interrupted Before Command

A word about a high-privileged, the tosses with right-wing filth

W hen you have a pile of shit on the sidewalk tipping, one is long, no "Wachrüttler" - but a pig. That goes for this highly privileged political asshole 'needs: Hetzer-Thilo has indeed fundamentally enough education to know, first, that he "statistics" used most one-sided and ignored contrary facts, and secondly, to know that he herbeilügt allegedly present data like a mangy right extremist.
* Ehrhart Koerting about a former colleague
Helmut Thoma Interview here suffers German money and glue: As the gentlemen upper Feger
see looted by the min.power
genetically Muslim-Jewish-Negro.

the national board of a bank takes money their audit master. His face looks and mentally ill.
The reason: He sees dozens of spirits
and speaks of the ass to floor manure the clearest words.
how it looks in Sarrazin,
the craziest of all places.

Thomas Gsella (tame version)

PS Cheers to Dr. Naika Foroutan!

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Husband Wetting The Bed

side note to the pseudo experts Osten-Sacken

Long side note, referring to
this interview with Osten-Sacken in the WORLD
): aum

Mr. Osten-Sacken and his perverse Pseudoexpertentum

his name
falls in a

I'm a writer and director of an organization. I think with the good old saying: One can do without identity rather than onto egg .


nschließend he is in the interview his own positions in dispute in order to present a good friend of the Kurds and the Arabs ", whose hospitality he according to estimates. On the subject of the Middle East it is, "to think freely and to speak" in addition to a possible civilization of the German population by Gynmnasien, learn where you, a still, that the Middle East issue with "oppression and violence" could have done. Then he reaches even deeper into the wisdom of his expert knowledge, praises Bush, whose military doctrine, the now free Iraq and warns of Obama:

thanks to the people have this exemption, inter alia, the Bush doctrine , who recognized that one authoritarian regime could not stabilize longer. Unfortunately, just back Obama this aberration: Talking to Iran which madness. (...) [Obama] Middle East policy has no vision or idea . can talk

J a, the madness - I share this view in individual cases. That the Holy raised no comment 'to all States, I think, however for a complete nonsense. But a 'no comment' to vdos? This is usually a good idea to avoid the madness and its manifestations helps. Anyway, then vdos praises the interview, the civilizing force of his small radio-WADI project whose scope neither the cash to him and WADI, yet able to explain the outflow of funds in full:

My staff today to organize Facebook and the Internet, Meetings and demonstrations, while her grandmother the late 70s, perhaps the first car and still got to face were illiterate.

Anach he cautions, while its Kurdish WADI Mitarbeitereinnen surf the Internet, in the Quran:
The suppression is cemented. Even in the Koran lays down and smoothed over the centuries.

llein even the beauty of his language expression, and enlightening contribution vdos makes the reader to make clear, why is this man had a publicist. Last but not least, his fight against the Kurdish custom of female circumcision, foreshadowing what is it about this man, and where his successes are:
is now talking openly about it. In Iraqi Kurdistan, was until 2004 a total taboo. Who would have ever asked you, he would have said: That is still only in Africa (...)

The average rate in the case of clitoral mutilation is 72 percent

three-quarters of women are so affected.
O b

these figures for the Kurdish part of Iraq agree that? And what exactly is an "average rate"? This is the average of all odds, perhaps. No matter who wants to know something? As a sexologist turn white vdos savory connections to clarify about the clitoris:

This piece of body meat, there are men and women around the world serves only of pleasure. A society that you take such a symbolic libido, can not work. When whole societies can not deal with Eros, which naturally also applies to men.

to end vdos reiterates its gratitude to the Iraq war, and makes clear why and that the "military intervention" was so rewarding.
Yes. Saddam Hussein had to be overthrown from outside. From the inside, that would not work. Iraqi society had to be freed. The intervention came too late, we would be able to act in 1991. But just understand from a German perspective must be said that sometimes only the U.S. Army or other army can take this path. (...) But now, most Iraqis understand that they can not solve their problems with violence, and organizations such as al-Qaeda, both militarily weakened as well as completely de-legitimized.

a J, it is not infinitely good, what was done in Iraq over many years? Al-Qaeda has been weakened militarily in Iraq! Finally! The expert confirmed this for Kurdistan and Middle East issues in a way that any thinking makes unnecessary - at least, if someone wanted to think about whether you could use Mr. Osten-Sacken well as an expert on Middle East issues. Bush good, Obama bad:
But Obama does not care about Iraq or what does the democratization of the country.


a quite different because it was the great democratizer George Walker Bush! At least 2.5 million Iraqis are in the process of its "interventions" democratized now successful (unless they were previously starved or intervene militarily in the meantime to death wuren), specifically in such a way that they (more or less well funtionierenden) democracies Foreign meet sustainable as refugees. They are 10 percent of the population - thus a huge success for democracy! Where are great successes to celebrate, of course, also great dangers lurk. Above all, Obama chasing a vdos fear and terror, because this completely ignores what is at stake:
was in Iraq and it goes so well, and you may as well just say so pathetic, a

struggle for freedom against their
declared enemies.

A ls historian and Middle East expert to evaluate the first order he knows also what is the meaning of the parliamentary system in Iraq and Afghanistan:

This results in the short term Chaos, but long-term stability.
A completely new situation in the last 4000 years

for the Middle East.

N oh 4000 years long breaks at last train to civilization! And precisely because of this meritorious parliamentarism (the Afghan election results only after massive election fraud by the intervention forces came about), should the Germans, "
the weakest link " of military interventionism, not to worry about withdrawing troops and military withdrawal (my opinion: it was also the withdrawal of U.S. troops in Iraq has helped calm the situation)

H err Osten-Sacken any case, who is called as needed and aid workers, is pleased with the extensive herbeigebombte "foundation" of extinct villages and wedding party on the war against entire cities, the many dozens of times shooting by paramedics from Black Hawks over private mercenary armies and their practices - and what else do so everything goes with it. It has indeed all makes sense!

Now we notice the long term in Iraq laid foundation. And that's what we need in Afghanistan. Do NOT remove it now. It is still not too late.

Experiments for a more in military intervention It is never too late vdos. If it were possible somehow, and he would say this in public with impunity, he immediately wanted Sarah Palin to power, instead of Obama. After the then following, further building foundations, military interventions, there is perhaps more money for small radio projects - as well as the many other activities vdos! PS

N ow that I've written this, I wonder even more, first, why Mr. Osten-Sacken as "manager" gets so much money from the federal government or influenced by the organizations, secondly, why this brainless Talkers and warmongers in anti-German as a person of respect we have (*


is my small article series!

Monday, August 23, 2010

How To Dip A Cat Lime Sulphur

suggest a topic series of articles desired


I'm planning a series of articles - and'd like to hear in what direction I should go.

Online Surveys & Market Research

PS is better than PollDaddy Vizu - or are there better widgets for online surveys?

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Brookstone U Control Phantom Helicopter

thoughts on Sunday morning

* Funny, I write almost nothing more - but increases the number of subscribers? Therefore seems to be a good recipe ... * Have a wonderful title for a film, "The Dogs" * Ayn Rand is something like an early edition of Ann Coulter for political literature, enriched with an extra sip of the wildest anti-communism, which disguises itself as a philosophy * I feel good - and apart from a few health malaise plaguing me at the moment purely nothing - even the hard to heal festering wounds that make me fix for months, serious approaches to heal - so then what I have from the late summer. Geil! * My swarm of young purple colored splendor Baersch is doing great. The kids are already part of 2 cm long and out of the woods. 21 young boys and fellow female, sigh, and they are gorgeous already! Maybe I'll do a little YouTube movies. * How incredibly wide variety of forums and Internet communities are! I am highly respected in the one place, so even the biggest bully are polite and friendly with me, I am considered elsewhere almost as the embodiment of all that is bekämpfenswert. It is not missing much, and it accuses me at night to steal children to bake cookies from them magical. Too funny - both. * I must be getting old. The latest sign: people who do evil to me or me as an opportunity to intoning chants of derision Use evoke pity for me. I do not feel this compassion, I would prefer something like anger. But can not. That must be the age. Or something else, probably as little rants that masquerades as something pleasant to me. I'm not doing that is with the aging process - in general. Even change the health problems that feeling. * If you feel defeat and the insight into your own mistakes as a real gain: Is this already humility, and an initial madness?
* Among the most beautiful and amazing discoveries in recent months is the hunger. I have somehow got used to eat only when I'm really hungry - Top hungry for several hours. Since then, I take it off without even trying. And this hunger, in moderation: I feel even as the quality of life. Let's see where that leads - so far there are 16 pounds less. * Oh, it gives me such a pleasure to give my bad tendency to unrestrained baroque expression. If I do what I write then read by someone else, then I would consider crazy once the person is totally - to put it all unbarock. I think that the after-effects of the former child-life books. * How different hazy summer Sunday morning can be! This is now beautiful.
* What would happen if "The economy" would lecture us less? If for example in political talk shows is not always the same association officials were sitting in the economy, but really clever people?
* Last night, accidentally reingezappt in a movie with Steven Seagal. Unbearable. Everything. How does the do it? And while I was drifting through the Internet, a Wikipedia page to read about him, I know that it should be also a musician. That's the limit! well what is "very masculine" very American, maybe some dusty heavy metal stuff. In any event, gathering dust.
* A miss: Country with various influences, mainly blues and reggae. The song, where he has a conversation

Thursday, August 5, 2010

How To Block A Call On Your Samsung Reclaim

Westerwelle as a boor and Fledder of international law

ester wave is a master of the peculiar interpretation (good example:
late Roman decadence
). He now tattered international law. Well, it probably can not earn money thinks the "liberal" Westerwelle and Afghans are to be placed by the Bundeswehr Verdächtigtenlisten, free to kill. Free it is always very important. The freer, the better! Also free of any jurisdiction. Courts are far too expensive anyway, the Guido thinks in any case more expensive than a cartridge! You may, however, and he has not considered, these activities of the armed forces are held to create lists of death not at all in line, first with the given seat in the Bundestag, secondly with the Basic Law. But what about something like the sheared Westerwelle.

matter a damn, FDP.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cellulitis Swollen Leg

Private equity in the distribution

Once we get on this blog have more resonance to the Private Equity as an investment product, we want this to open a theme. Including but not limited to the experience of investments in private equity - whether as an investor, or whether as a sales representative. What experience have you had? Have you met for the issue of private equity in the expectations. How do such products in the consultation? People perceive it as an advantage, responsible investing, for example, in young German or European companies in the form of investments? Share Us your views on this,