Lotte Sievers-Hahn-carved wooden dolls are entirely handmade and have their design changed little in decades.
The Holzschnitzunternehmen was founded in 1929 by Lotte Hahn Eyendorf, district of Lüneburg. After her marriage to Theo Sievers Brockel we moved to where the company is still at home, led by the descendants of the family. Lotte Hahn also had learned the Holzschnitzhandwerk in the Erzgebirge and receive for their craftsmanship many awards. Besides dolls dolls dolls in folk costumes, nativity figures, etc. made there are also larger dolls.
The legs are straight and the small doll with a wooden rod attached to the body, so they are flexible in the hips, the arms are also flexible, strong fibers held by the shoulders. The dolls from simple timeless clothes Baumwolle und Filz und schlichte Frisuren aus Baumwollstickgarn - besonders reizvoll ist der ruhige Gesichtsausdruck, der mit wenigen Farbtupfern erreicht wird.
These figures have their roots in the Erzgebirge tradition. |
The woodcarving manufactory was founded in 1929 by Lotte Hahn in Eyendorf, near Lüneburg, in the north of Germany. After the marriage to Theo Sievers the couple moved to Brockel, which has been the location of the family business until today.
Lotte Hahn had learnt the woodcarving craft in the ore mountains - Erzgebirge -, too, and gained many rewards for her creations. Apart from dolls house dolls she designed dolls in traditional costumes, dolls for créches, large dolls and more.
The legs of the small dolls are fixed to the body with a pin, so that they can be bend, the arms are flexible, too, fixed with string to the shoulders. They wear clothes made of cotton or felt, a timeless design just like the simple hairstyle. I find the quiet expression on their faces very attractive, achieved by a few spots of colour.
My dolls are from the beginning of the 1970s, I presume, the wood has darkened a good deal. Although they do not fit in many surroundings, certainly not in a plastic box room 70s, they add atmosphere to a wooden doll house with wooden furniture - just like these Paul Nicely bedroom pieces from the 60s/70s.
"Our wood carving and toy shop was established in 1929 as a family and have an over 80-year-old tradition.
has the distinctive characteristic of the figures from linden wood was and still is our trademark. In each figure that leaves our workshop, it is a entirely by hand-carved, painted with oil paints and possibly clad original. " Quote from the Webseite des Unternehmens
"Our wood-carving and toy workshop was established in 1929 as a family-held enterprise and so it has a tradition of more than 80 years.
The striking characteristics of the articles of limewood have always been our brand. Every single figure that leaves our shop is a completely hand-carved, with oil colours painted and partly dressed original. Our glove-puppets and puppets were awarded with the title "play well" ("play well") and are recognized as educational toys. " (Taken from the website of the company)
Even if the dolls do not fit into any office, I like them in wooden houses with wooden furniture. My dolls are probably from the early 70s, so I put it to Paul Nicely furniture from this period. Since the design of the dolls as little has changed over the years, it is always difficult to make statements about the age. The wood of this family is very darkened, but that just makes them attractive.
face shape from the side - Faces from side view |
1979 Good Toy (Good Toys) |
Lotte Sievers-Hahn's dolls, as well as many of my favorite dolls companies like Caca, Erna Meyer or Bodo Hennig, received many rewards for valuable and educational toys. Sadly I never found many photos in these articles. Here they are pictured in 1979 with some Caco dolls and a playmobil (?) Caravan, they definitely look much more modern in clothes and hair style than my dolls.