Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Easy Rules Frustration Card Game

The collection Groner and Heller - The collection of Groner and Heller

Collectors magazine antiques and collectors 'reported in 2004 in two issues in detail by two collectors from South Germany, Renate Groner and Klaus Heller, who grew up in the 50 years and have collected many beautiful dolls' houses and offices.

Moritz Gottschalk, GDR - GDR

The German journal for secondhand dealers and collectors 'antiques and collectors' featured two long articles in 2004 about two collectors from Hohenlohe, Renate Groner and Klaus Heller, who grew up in the 50s and had later collected many wonderful dolls houses from that period.

Moritz Gottschalk, GDR - GDR
on a total of 16 pages is the housing situation and life in the postwar period - illustrated with beautiful photos - presented: Cultural History on the example of children's toys . My favorite photos I see in this and the next blog post, and more at flickr . Who can buy the two books second-hand still, it's worth it!

Moritz Gottschalk, GDR - GDR

On well illustrated 16 pages the post war period, its design and everyday life are shown: culteral history on the example of children's toys. My favourite photos can be seen in this and the next post - and some more on flickr. 
Albin Schönherr, DDR - GDR


Fotos aus: "Trödler und Sammler Journal" 2004, Heft 2 und 3
Courtesy of the collector Groner and Heller, text by Hans-Juergen Flamm, photos by Harald Czeczatka.


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