s these days gets excited in the Fäulegetöns the newspapers and the PR agencies of the "bourgeois parties" including many of the current SPD little article by Gesine Lötzsch in the agf of the "Path to Communism". These two things would have to say. First things about the reactions to Lötzsch article. Second things about the item itself
ie reactions so far are overwhelmingly poor. Ahem: And also quite reactionary.
D och these reactions are wrong because they misunderstand thoroughly (probably: do not even want to) what Mrs Lötzsch originally written and intended. Does it mean that, understand what the citizens under communism? Has she the authoritarian and violent, centrally planned communist managerial bosses meant? No. It is with this authoritarian communism has long since been closed in Lötzsch woman. She writes about something completely theme different, namely an abstract concept - a desirable end state (which it does not describe further), in which "each according to his needs and capabilities" would be done justice - and the fact that the Left Party program describe the optimal political way there would.
W ould I (expect such sectarian nowadays usually the "middle"), a radical, fundamentalist Kapitalismusbejubler, even then I could live so well that Ms. Lötzsch communism in an abstract version seeking. I would very much welcome - and explain a possible unregulated ("free") and radical, ruthless capitalism for the best way for this blessed end state.
E rnsthaft. Of course, I would think of the party program of the Left Party, pure nothing, but the ultimate aim of communism? Yes, why not?
D he problems in the article by Mrs. Lötzsch lie elsewhere, and not in their conception of a desirable communism. The problems is that most of those about her article in the press and radio public-foaming and / or warning To spread obviously are not sufficiently able to read.
2.1. criticism of the article by Gesine Lötzsch
N f course, the article by Ms Lötzsch a variety of problems. In its ideological line loyalty and mentally remote-dog-like party loyalty, Ms. Lötzsch differs in degree not in any way from yesterday, no less unrealistic speech by Guido Westerwelle on the Twelfth Meeting of the FDP. I am very sure since yesterday afternoon that it had the Formerly Fun Guido heights in its Bonzokratie of the GDR - he had been born into it only there. Mrs. Lötzsch contrast, although with the GDR and suppression of freedom settles on the part of the GDR, the GDR, however, has never left. And it shows in her article - especially where it endeavors ...
A usgesprochen ridiculous acts her pandering attempt to get themselves and the Left Party to provide in the tradition of the "radical left" - and his own political practice of all "
radical realpolitik
" (which she actually wrote) to call.
adikal? Is it radical? This is possibly the striking consistency of the short Gesine Lötzsch their Großgetue in relation to social problems and hardly increased at efforts in homage to Rosa Luxembourg and the current Party program of the Left Party - but nothing else in her. --- Break ---
Before I criticize the Lötzsch article further, I combine this with a quick run of its content.
--- Break --- 2.2.
fast run Lötzsch article content including criticism of
irst Z Lötzsch woman writes that she had found the way out of the impasse left path, and that all the other left in its view should join Bitt 'schon. Then she describes the path to communism, which it envisages is, perhaps spring mild. She takes that collapse of the EURO and the EU, radical fundamentalist Christians power in the U.S. take over the Gulf Stream is cooled and Europe is also overrun by refugees.
could S tatt to wonder how one could fall for this madness frenzy, and as one might think that is paving the way "communism", she takes her strange objection - in other entirely without justification - as evidence that "we" (meaning: the tip of the Left Party) a "
method for dealing with such problems pile
" have. could
n the site to interrupt the study of the carefree Lötzsch article also and necessarily conclude that the poor woman is mentally confused. Sorry, but your article breaks at this point does not, which adds an unfortunate perception, first, that it is serious, and second, that her scribbling something had to be but a grotesque joke, not only because of the gross mismatch between their apparently too tight intellectual tools and the questions to which she seeks to prove himself.
urz so after they are the proud owner of a universal problem-solving method outed and beyond as a herald of a way out of the deadlock (when searching for ways to communism), they do not know if the real social order of the Federal Republic of Germany suitable had to solve "those problems". Again without explanation she concludes (from which ever) that they about to get even " my doubts" have.
(nungut, one could argue that if the Lötzsch has a universal problem solving method for solving even the most difficult and unexpected social problems, including the drying up of the Gulf Stream and a path towards the happy end communism, then they should of course real in the political and social order of our country ever express their doubts) T espite its universal methodological ability to solve even the most complex problems (and without any deeper political theory) provides women Lötzsch now the Left Party
not able (!) to master social crises. (as a reader, one is amazed at this point and ask yourself: what she means and why)
A ls core feature of the current inability of the Left Party to master social crises woman Lötzsch sees the unfortunate tendency within the Left Party, " inflict our own friends in serious injury. "She says that probably the radical left-wing representatives, that they just sit together. A look at the historical evidence, however, that the Left would always be one - and then everything will good. In addition, the left
from bad wolf, were uh, betrayed by the evil SPD. The misconduct of the SPD is the root of the evil, and this evil must be overcome, then one could overcome all social crises.
(and if they are not dead, tells Aunt Gesine continue their exciting historical tales) W hile Mrs. ranwanzt Lötzsch in a paragraph venial-sloppy historical account of the radical left, they cited the same time (and one wonders: why only) Lenin, the ultra-leftism (which really meant: the dissent of Lenin's own line) to "
childhood disease of communism
" said. And anyway, as Communists, one should not give away the chances of defeat and merely defensive.
F rough Lötzsch known at this point the radical left, to which she promotes with her little article, a carrier of a disease of childhood, while it is an understanding of communism as its own, which the ideas of Lenin, Liebknecht and Luxembourg oriented, including the profoundly undemocratic communist methods in dealing with political opponents. (probably Lötzsch woman wanted to say but not at all what she has written, but somehow accommodate containing but a Lenin quote and rarely ranwanzen sappy to radical left, which she holds up basically, that they profess is not sufficient for the program of the Left Party ...)
W eiterhin
, and here is the thing for the current Left Party, including the article author imho quite difficult to make the Luxembourg call for a 6-hour day as its own, and worse, in the form of an agreement brought in quotation its methodology for the "conquest of power":
The aim is not the conquest of power one-off, but a be progressive, we press in by the bourgeois state until we have all positions and with teeth and nails . Defend like avon D
hold you now what you want, but for democracy and for fundamental respect for the Constitution does not that sound - what woman Lötzsch notice clearly not on, probably blinded by the supposed brilliance of her Endvision of communism, which she aspires, and blinded by a part already sectarian intellectual subservience to Rosa Luxembourg, which is in the Left Party may well be unjustified and in any case verkultet blind.
W hen
Lötzsch woman writes like that Luxembourg would push back overcome militarism and capitalism through a tough day battle and then suspended in it clearly heard the underlying motive of Mrs. Lötzsch through to overcome our society would as well. Gesine Lötzsch write the following obvious: should
the way there [to overcome the bourgeois social order] to be dominated by their own democratic actions of the workers, the people, by learning in practice change. It should be a policy for less than the working through it.
me for left-wing politics is a whole and the policies of the Left Party in this challenging traditional social change, radical realpolitik
.A nschließend is klittert woman Lötzsch more bad than good through the history of the PDS, the WASG and the Left Party, is pleased with the place since their party 2005 " concrete responses to the crisis of financial market capitalism
" (ie nationalization) and on "
social investment planning "and the fact that the Left Party has put the property question
. Then Gesine Lötzsch proposes increasing to a Bonzenton and cheered - in principle completely free criticism - the alleged program of the grandiose own party, including a " We want to solve social problems by tackling the environmental issues .
(at this point start for me to prosper, the first conjecture with me, what chemical substances from the environment of the Narcotics woman Lötzsch when formulating their little article were probably help you - I personally believe not in any event, and not even though to some extent that the solve most social problems caused by an environmental policy can eiterhin) Wto Mrs Lötzsch, cocky as admirably naive at the same time that a " redistribution private to government " not only all kinds of social-ecological projects will be realized ("restructuring" ), but also a "real peace and inclusive development policy "opportunities. This she wants a new public employment sector ( own, in solidarity and in forms of self-government ") with probably about 10 million jobs (as an alternative to basic income, which as a second best alternative, pretty great place). (who real in the context of political relations and social problems built up such a huge cloud cuckoo land, and grew up public budgets with the solution of almost all social problems is the same, which is an overwhelmed from very simple ideas dreamer, the multiple real weaknesses of the state and bureaucracy does not want to admit it - imho)
e more you read through your article, which praises the program of the Left Party as "the road to communism", the banger is a mental to the constitution of women Lötzsch provided them what she has written mean, really seriously. As she rambles beginning of the impasse left politics to the end to point no longer have up his sleeve, as a presentation on the program of the Left Party - in conjunction with the weird idea that would be the perfect plan down for "reconstruction" of a market economy- democratic order, to a communist system. A major reason for their confidence on the success of this conversion takes Lötzsch woman from the alleged grand and all-conquering adversity "
capacity for self-organization
" of the workers. Z ugleich noted woman Lötzsch not want their grandiose plans fit for a change of social system is not really great with it, that they are simultaneously complaining about the removal of 1-euro jobs "by the federal government, as if a -Euro-Jobs oases of self-reliant solidarity. The oblique pomposity Mrs Lötzsch is the end of their little article that is primarily directed to the glorification of the program of the Left Party, remarkable broken in that it praises for Rosa Luxembourg (!) " no master plan to have .
think ch, this praise can be given wife Lötzsch back: it is ultimately random, which turns out also that it's own party platform as a way to communism suggested as a solution to all problems and himself as a person which is called to write on such issues. After all, Gesine Lötzsch stresses at the end of the high value of the freedoms of individuals. But this book makes little better, the next one just as flamboyant as empty announcement of a path "to communism" is little more than a tribute of his own party's program and Moreover, by Rosa Luxembourg.
S kandalös thing is, all in all, and above all, that such a publication at all Dummfug empty place, and that woman had Lötzsch apparently no one at her side, she has edited this book before. As a left party, I would be ashamed of such a chairman. third
blog reactions
L find Esens worth I's comments and
, Fixmbr and
Ruhr barons
- dealing mainly with the reactions of the "bourgeois" press or the reactions of the SPD, CDU , CSU and FDP. Lötzsch Little article plays into the hands of those parties, the sheer mention of the K-word is causing a stir within pre-trampled paths - and installed so that a discussion on third directional and alternatives to radical forms of capitalism, or to attempt the social and economic coexistence of human to make.
lso plays Gesine Lötzsch the strategy of black and yellow lead to first-class in its hands with the upcoming parliamentary elections a "Freedom or socialism" camp campaign in which fears of coming " Links governments " (O-Ton Westerwelle ) be stirred up, and that far away from technical discussions on concrete shape policy proposals. Such a thing makes it easier for black and yellow, to continue their hostile citizens and lobby-friendly policies.
urzum K: That was shit Lötzsch Mrs. It is good neither for the government nor the opposition. How such a political party leader was Dumpfbrunz is, but always amazing - and another argument against the party "the left".
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