The house I have already presented, while it was still not established, see here. It can be decomposed into base, some walls and roof, the wall paper is very easy. All furniture should be in my house Modella, so that the many unique items that I have collected, are also to be seen again.
I already presented this dolls house when it was not yet furnished, see here. It can be disassembled into roof, ground floor and walls, that is why decorating the walls is easy. In my house I wanted all furniture to be from Modella So that all the single pieces without boxes room would finally find a home.
Modella doll furniture could be purchased in the doll room a box - and to play in it are left - or in other packaging. In many dolls of the 60s and 70s will find remnants of these dolls room because they were cheap and fashionable. In some doll houses, the walls were papered the Modella packaging, as I have done here with the bathroom too.
Modella doll furniture could be bought in boxes cardbox room or in other packages. In some dolls houses were papered the walls with the roombox decoration just as I did with this bathroom.
This doll house is sold by about 1970, the Modella furniture was from the mid-60s to early 70s. All bending puppets, Schleich, also about that time.
This dolls house is from around 1970, the Modella furniture from the mid 60s/mid70s, all dolls are posable by Schleich, also from this period.
Lilli dungarees has a house by the same manufacturer, on which I have already been reported - here -. And in her commentary, she gave some information about the company then I have also have an older home by Elfriede Lipfert (Elka) found has a very interesting layout, but the angle of the kitchen cabinets! - Unfortunately this is only b / w photo:
1966 "The Toy" |
The company is now only her wooden doll houses ( Homepage )
Nowadays the firm sells only wooden dolls houses ( homepage )
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