Sunday, March 6, 2011

Club Penguin Member Accounts 2010

Tile man is a filthy

I've ch takes a long time to me to make a rhyme on the information coming from the tile man process. More interesting than the case tile man (which I find quite interesting) I found the reactions to it, and the role of process observers, such as Mrs Black, whose behavior in the process now as I value highly respectable.

I nzwischen imho there is an adequate picture of how to behave in sexual Kachelmann "approximations" ggüber women and preferences have on it. I think it is this:

K achelmann is one of those sexual violence against women like very much. Unlike regular followers SM-sex he prefers for his sadistic practices, however, no women assume consensus a masochistic part and with sadomasochistic activities are familiar, but he finds it particularly irritating to "share" with those women sadistic sexual practices, which he so surprised, or, more exactly, overwhelmed. One could speculate about the psychological motivations of those involved in this event, as the reasons for which became clear, and often repeated sacrifice of many affected women and also whether Kachelmann the possibility itself gradually a victim, that victim of his social power, which he as a celebrity has, and confirm him supposedly positive experience he gained during his sex life with the Tatmuster - which in my more interesting question is:

st something I already rape?

K it ann call rape when the sexual intercourse commences by mutual agreement, and (we must evaluate the witness statements) generally continues halbeinvernehmlich - though with some resistance on the part of maltätrierten of brutal sex woman, but from the offender as a sexual game or . playful resistance is evaluated, and is operated in the hope of convincing the wife sooner or later by his violent, brutal practices?

I ch think so .*

(and so shabby I find the conduct of his court defense, which continues through the aggressive and rufmörderischen style on rape trauma)

* basis of morally acceptable SM sex is the perfect consensual the parties, not least because in the case of Nichteinvernehmlichkeit SM sex traumatic, difficult even traumatic effect and may make downright sick. For the ex-celebrity was the "fun" precisely to undermine these agreeable. Sometimes it is under morbid, sadistic personality disorders a great, very beautiful and inspiring idea suspend someone SM-sex practices, just do not like that. Personal note: One of my best friends is a sadist, but he would never invest in life are sure to surprise a woman with his sadistic sex. Once in his life he has this happened to, and one might erroneously in this case say "in the heat of the moment" - where I once worked as a mediator between the desperate woman who could no longer understand the world and himself, which the was very sorry . He thought the joint meeting of sexual fantasies would be for this woman he liked very incidentally, it was clear that she had to expect during sex light blows / can. She was completely surprised, however at the moment of shock, could also not correct to defend or to cancel the sexual act, because she was overwhelmed at the moment - which it subsequently loaded the stronger and created in her an almost infinite sense of helplessness. I spoke with a "Parlamentärin" their side, explained to her the question of what had happened, etc. Then, and to clarify with the parties, it came first to an "8-eye debate" (he, she and two emissaries), then to a 4-Eye Debate "), which saved not the relationship, but after all, the friendship of my friend with this woman. Also disappeared in the conscious friendly and with respect for the victims largely designed process their trauma.


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