Sunday, February 6, 2011

Death Star Waffle Iron

1960 Modella bathroom - bathroom 60s Modella

Typical of the 70's the little pattern on the tiles, as seen in the dollhouse on the floor. In a housing booklet of 1971, the pattern moves up the walls.
Typical for 1970: the small tiles of the mosaic pattern on the floor. On the photo below, a path of 1971, those tiles are on the wall, too.
1971 Colored Living Guide

The tiles the painted details are cut from the sales package of the bathroom and taped to the wall.
The tiles with their decoration are cut from the bathroom of Modella cardboard box and glued to the walls.
... the room divider is a gimmick to me: a bed frame Modella.
... the room divider is just a gimmick: a Modella bedframe.


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