Monday, February 14, 2011

Ms Migraine Specialist

Iran: Day of Wrath - Overview and updates

V Orab: Please make comments in the news and messages on - I'll just inputting the course of the day! Further updates will follow. Stay tuned!

I rans rulers tremble before Fear that the green movement awakened to new life-while they rely on a power structure that works in comparison to Egypt totalitarian and better organized. Particularly effective, in the truest sense of the word, the Basij militia (or Germanized, Basij militia ), which translates ironically, called " the mobilization of the oppressed " - while in fact the mobile forces of the oppression or simple words: paid hooligans. Here we see it today as helmeted on their typical motorcycles and two by two drive large numbers of students toward district / Tehran.

Z eitungsberichte about today's events in Iran:
Time on preventive fixing of opposition
NZZ with a useful review articles and reference to the unrest in Isfahan
Press with review articles and notes Turkish President Gül

YouTube videos from today's protests:
The Enghelab Street (Tehran), like so many times under the control of the demonstrators
Another video from the student area in Tehran, slightly off the Even main roads
other rumbles places in Tehran it - pay attention to the fear of passersby
A overview report from Al Dschazera on today's events in Iran

M anche may perhaps be disappointed about the previously "small" dimension of the protests in Iran. You forget for a rating but not the big risk of the demonstrators! Well, it always starts with the most courageous and despair. Where, for example, the Iranian students feel safe, where there is a very large majority against the Iranian dictatorship (Marg bar dictatorship!) - Here you can see from December 2010 many students in singing the freedom anthem (!). In other words: Do turn out to protest today also comparatively small, like Iran and its regime of rising oil prices will benefit at the moment, like one million Basij are against the Democrats - even a small spark can change the situation.

L allowed to hope to freedom!


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