Jolly Roger in Hamburg: reactionary to the bone! What is
abe H me at the weekend, the Hanover game times where the Jolly Roger. Nice score (really nice guests!), the espresso was edible, the first half, too. Lustig was the greeting of a Water cannon crew, slipped in her vehicle in the Jolly Roger by crawling and how stupid reinglotzten. In this respect, really a great afternoon.
W me as extremly abnervte but that was an operation that shot out twice at maximum speed out of the store, rough to a harmless bottle collectors to louts, whose offense was simply having to run the Jolly Roger over. Any little broken off from older, gray-haired, almost bald dwarf who presented himself as the owner of the Jolly Roger repeated, this base number then a third time - and believe me as a guest get away with that I will never set foot upon this place whose staff clearly reactionary to the bone. The thing I can now Fegebank also loosely rhyme. Presumably the staff of the Jolly Roger have increased the tips to the head, or simply keep for something better.
W ider Pack! No more Jolly Roger!
Sunday, February 27, 2011
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doll houses - Bodo Hennig - dolls houses
The online dolls house magazine "Dolls Houses Past and Present", an article about Bodo Hennig Dollhouse is out of me.
The last issue of "Dolls Houses Past and Present" features an article written by me: Bodo Hennig's dolls houses .
The online dolls house magazine "Dolls Houses Past and Present", an article about Bodo Hennig Dollhouse is out of me.
The last issue of "Dolls Houses Past and Present" features an article written by me: Bodo Hennig's dolls houses .
If you enroll as a member (which is free), you can even win a Bodo Hennig-gift.
You can then win a Bodo Hennig give-away.
Saturday, February 26, 2011
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Radio Energy to Zwickau pages: "The coolest blog of the city"
On 26 February 2011 reported Radio Energy Sachsen from Zwickau. In the show "My Energy Saxony Henry turned Moderator Henry Nowak to the greatest little town in the Free State also this blog and the new accompanying book." Zwickau Pages - A love letter to Saxony's beautiful Swan City "(middle of March 2011 in the book trade) were addressed in the Morning show.
"A great blog. He reveals exciting, not so familiar, weird things and things that are perhaps not even the Zwickau itself. "Said Henry Nowak on the Facebook page of Energy stated:" Dicker tip for you as Zwickau or newcomer - the coolest blog the city ". He continued: "My ENERGY Sachsen today to 12 with your own tips and favorite hits from ZWIGGE! You meet Louise, who tells you cool flirting tips, the largest Zwickau fan of all times and can find out where it is the most delicious breakfast of Saxony. "
On 26 February 2011 reported Radio Energy Sachsen from Zwickau. In the show "My Energy Saxony Henry turned Moderator Henry Nowak to the greatest little town in the Free State also this blog and the new accompanying book." Zwickau Pages - A love letter to Saxony's beautiful Swan City "(middle of March 2011 in the book trade) were addressed in the Morning show.
"A great blog. He reveals exciting, not so familiar, weird things and things that are perhaps not even the Zwickau itself. "Said Henry Nowak on the Facebook page of Energy stated:" Dicker tip for you as Zwickau or newcomer - the coolest blog the city ". He continued: "My ENERGY Sachsen today to 12 with your own tips and favorite hits from ZWIGGE! You meet Louise, who tells you cool flirting tips, the largest Zwickau fan of all times and can find out where it is the most delicious breakfast of Saxony. "
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The Joy Formidable - The Big Roar
Our rating: *****
1 star for the simple but captivating, and catchy songs, with the right drive and the right dynamics. The template to use that it is simple, but wonderful. Somewhere between grunge and Shoe Gazing, and everything after that was still in the alternative area in the past two decades, good and honest. Playing tips: the familiar whirring and THE GREATEST LIGHT IS THE GREATEST SHADE and BUOY and the opener THE EVER CHANGING SPECTRUM OF A LIE.
1 star for the majestic beauty of the singer Ritzy sings. With a range up to that of Toni Halliday (Curve) in the moments to getrageneren Justine Frishman (Elastica) in the effervescent moments last.
1 star for the retreat, the broadband production, which promises similar to Muse not that one is dealing with a three-person band. Was the first album is often sketchy, here's a wide screen epic sound is generated on the plate in the indie club around the corner, but also in the stadium needs work or could work. This is clearly debut at the new recordings of songs from the EP, but above all also of plays such as THE EVER CHANGING SPECTRUM OF A LIE, starting virtually from the state with multi-layered guitar noise Sonic Youth moderate to high bolted to a heavenly chorus.
1 star because all I said also works incredibly well live. Who does not believe in you tube look for commands. Who does not believe what he sees or hears and considers it to be a fake, especially what Ritzy parallel with 1.60 for singing on the guitar offers, from the concert.
1 star - and in general all possible points in the world - because Joy Formidable finally a right are true indie band. After almost 10 years now, where indie rock (often, not always, but too often) by A & R managers clever designs and markets, and no later than the second album already the stadium tour can be booked online, go to the other three Welsh way. Four years of time left until the debut, four years with many singles, an EP, videos that are professional, where you look, however, that they come from the art school friends, tours and festivals, precisely without major major deal have enough money for that one such important Debut album so to do, how they imagine it.
1 star for the simple but captivating, and catchy songs, with the right drive and the right dynamics. The template to use that it is simple, but wonderful. Somewhere between grunge and Shoe Gazing, and everything after that was still in the alternative area in the past two decades, good and honest. Playing tips: the familiar whirring and THE GREATEST LIGHT IS THE GREATEST SHADE and BUOY and the opener THE EVER CHANGING SPECTRUM OF A LIE.
1 star for the majestic beauty of the singer Ritzy sings. With a range up to that of Toni Halliday (Curve) in the moments to getrageneren Justine Frishman (Elastica) in the effervescent moments last.
1 star for the retreat, the broadband production, which promises similar to Muse not that one is dealing with a three-person band. Was the first album is often sketchy, here's a wide screen epic sound is generated on the plate in the indie club around the corner, but also in the stadium needs work or could work. This is clearly debut at the new recordings of songs from the EP, but above all also of plays such as THE EVER CHANGING SPECTRUM OF A LIE, starting virtually from the state with multi-layered guitar noise Sonic Youth moderate to high bolted to a heavenly chorus.
1 star because all I said also works incredibly well live. Who does not believe in you tube look for commands. Who does not believe what he sees or hears and considers it to be a fake, especially what Ritzy parallel with 1.60 for singing on the guitar offers, from the concert.
1 star - and in general all possible points in the world - because Joy Formidable finally a right are true indie band. After almost 10 years now, where indie rock (often, not always, but too often) by A & R managers clever designs and markets, and no later than the second album already the stadium tour can be booked online, go to the other three Welsh way. Four years of time left until the debut, four years with many singles, an EP, videos that are professional, where you look, however, that they come from the art school friends, tours and festivals, precisely without major major deal have enough money for that one such important Debut album so to do, how they imagine it.
Friday, February 25, 2011
Can Long Hair Get Short Weave
Caco dolls Sceno Test - Caco dolls and the Scenotest
early 1938, had a child psychologist with the idea to give their young patients a toy chest with which they should adjust miniature scenes from their home world. They hoped to gain insights on the psychological background of their "misconduct", especially in regard to the "often misleading information about the home environment of families of the children". In 1938 a German
child psychologist had the idea of giving her little patients the opportunity to portray all important persons in their lives and to have them "play out" the family constellations on a miniature scale.
The basis of the material was a number of bendable figures that could represent the persons in a subject's life:
by Staab sold this therapy case directly and never called the name of the doll's manufacturer:
Grandfather (ie teacher, uncle, pastor), grandmother, and adults in various modern clothes as well as children from baby to schoolchild. Staab's sold by the therapeutic kit including the dolls herself and never gave the name of the dolls' manufacturer:
"A Practical Technique for Understanding Unconscious Problems and Personality Structure."
child psychologist had the idea of giving her little patients the opportunity to portray all important persons in their lives and to have them "play out" the family constellations on a miniature scale.
the core of their material is "a flexible family of puppets", the moods and Emotions can be represented by their posture. The dolls are selected so that all in the vicinity of the subject's existing people are represented. The basis of the material was a number of bendable figures that could represent the persons in a subject's life:
The grandfather may also as rector, pastor, father, uncle or old sailor game be used, as well as the doctor as a baker, salesman, mechanic or hair stylist is. by Staab sold this therapy case directly and never called the name of the doll's manufacturer:
Canzler and Hoffmann (before 1945) or
Canzler Fritz (1945),
known CaHo or Caco bending dolls.
Grandfather (ie teacher, uncle, pastor), grandmother, and adults in various modern clothes as well as children from baby to schoolchild. Staab's sold by the therapeutic kit including the dolls herself and never gave the name of the dolls' manufacturer:
Canzler and Hoffmann (pre-war) or
Fritz Canzler (postwar),
the famous Caho or Caco dolls.
In each new edition of her book were the scenes depicted the same, but the puppets were used in each case from the current offer of Caco.
In each new edition of her book the dolls in the depicted scenes changed according to the current range of Caco dolls.
Scene: Maid leads a mixed choir.
spirit appears - A ghost is scaring the boys.
Some scenes are also available for non-psychologists not hard to understand: Some scenes
Do Not need much interpretation:
Do Not need much interpretation:
bomb - 1951
child on the bridge - Girl on extremely shaky bridge
lot more photos soon on my flickr- Page
Many more photos soon on my flickr site
Thursday, February 24, 2011
Tree Top Star For Christmas Tree
The book on the blog: "Zwickau Pages - A love letter to Saxony's beautiful Swan City"
turns since October 2007, this declaration of love, the Zwickau Pages They're all great to Saxony town. from month to month has grown this blog. The result was an encyclopaedic constructed website. the Leipzig Book Fair in March 2011 published selected articles as a book. The Hohenheim-Verlag (Stuttgart / Leipzig) published it with the modified title "Zwickau Pages - A love letter to Saxony's beautiful Swan City" pre-orders are in bookstores and known books online store store (ISBN-10: 3898502155, ISBN-13: 978-3898502153) The 200-page,.. bound hardcover book (11.5 x 18.7 cm) costs € 14.90. The book project is kindly supported by Gerhard Neef and the Comedia Concept GmbH and Co. KG in Zwickau.
In the spring catalog 2011 of Hohenheim-Verlag the "Zwickau pages under the heading" In the alphabet, although the very back, but in everyday life far forward, "described as follows:
turns since October 2007, this declaration of love, the Zwickau Pages They're all great to Saxony town. from month to month has grown this blog. The result was an encyclopaedic constructed website. the Leipzig Book Fair in March 2011 published selected articles as a book. The Hohenheim-Verlag (Stuttgart / Leipzig) published it with the modified title "Zwickau Pages - A love letter to Saxony's beautiful Swan City" pre-orders are in bookstores and known books online store store (ISBN-10: 3898502155, ISBN-13: 978-3898502153) The 200-page,.. bound hardcover book (11.5 x 18.7 cm) costs € 14.90. The book project is kindly supported by Gerhard Neef and the Comedia Concept GmbH and Co. KG in Zwickau.
In the spring catalog 2011 of Hohenheim-Verlag the "Zwickau pages under the heading" In the alphabet, although the very back, but in everyday life far forward, "described as follows:
August Horch founded 1904 Horch, 1909, the Audi works, thus laying the foundation for Zwickau's reputation as the capital of Saxony's automotive industry. Volkswagen makes from here today for golf currents and trade winds. The rattle of the once was in the Sachsenring Trabant plants produced small car to the soundtrack of life in the GDR. Two other East German symbols that are produced in Zwickau traffic light man, the most popular red-green coalition between complaints and Erzgebirge. One of the few world stars of German cinema, Gert (Goldfinger) Frobe, the romantics among composers, Robert Schumann, and the expressionist painter Max Pechstein was born in Saxony's fourth largest city in the Theaterreformatorin Caroline Neuber was raised. With the license plate Z in the alphabet it is indeed the very back, but in everyday life, she mixes well with the front. Although the nearly 900-year-old Zwickau Dresden is older than the vain, the general public takes little notice of him. You have six beautiful swans adorn their coat of arms, but there is a lack of ex-city on the river Mulde of healthy self-esteem. Against this background, this declaration of love to make Foreign curious locals and shake.
target groups include:
- Saxons who want to know more about the fourth-largest city in their free state;
- Other German, are interested in music (Robert Schumann), theater and film (Neuber, Frobe) and the automotive industry (Horch, Audi, Trabant, VW);
- the ideal gift in southwest Saxony for confirmation, and youth initiation. Rb 539 Card Reader Driver
outsider? Leaders! Zwickau football and their greatest coups
Those were times of football: The coach of FC Bayern Munich, Udo Lattek, arrived in 1973 in the GDR to the next European Cup opponents Dynamo Dresden to watch the away game in Zwickau. The final result: 3-0 for Zwickau! The football dwarf of West Saxony at that time was a fixed size: Horch (1949-50), motor (1950-68) and Sachsenring Zwickau (from 1968) were 35 years of uninterrupted high East German league, creating some sensation. The "heap" said stadium, built on a shaft site was a myth. Zwickau even made the keeper of the East German national team: Jürgen Croy was in the 1970s as one of the world's greatest athletes of his profession and was mentioned in the same breath as Sepp Maier, Toni Schumacher and Dino Zoff.
Germany's first master of the heart
Planitzer The SC was one of the Zwickau south before the Second World War to Saxony's best football teams. For the inauguration of the West Saxons fight Railways (now Südkampfbahn), a training ground for the time up to 30,000 (!) Viewers Planitz defeated in 1938 in a friendly match multiple German champion Schalke 04 3-2. In 1942 the club moved into the quarter finals as a champion of Saxony to the all-German championship, losing in Vienna Vienna to 2-0 lead with 2:3. Which was after the war as SG Planitz newly formed company in 1948 Saxony champion. In the subsequent Ostzonenfinale Planitz beat out 40,000 fans in Leipzig 1-0 SG Freiimfelder hall, the master Saxony-Anhalt.
should be in the quarter final of the all-German championship in 1948 in Stuttgart Planitzer against 1 FC Nuremberg, champions of the American occupation zone compete. But the player from the Soviet authorities did not receive permission to travel to the West. The outsider was thus deprived of his big chance and therefore almost Germany's first master of the heart. The Franks moved to the semifinals without a fight and ultimately to the final against Kaiserslautern, champion of the French occupation zone,. Nuremberg won the championship. After that there was not until 1991 all-German football championship more.
A player who later became Planitzer Meisterelf from 1948 to of the most successful football coaches in Europe. Heinz Krüger (1921-2008) won with 1 FC Magdeburg 1972, 1974 and 1975 the East German Cup in 1969 and 1973 the East German Cup. 1974 managed Krügel the sensation: his "1 FCM defeated "in the final of the European Cup Winners' Cup AC Milan 2-0. Such a coup was no other East German football club. Top clubs like Juventus are said to have lured Kruegel, but the native of Oberplanitzer remained in the GDR. His loyalty was not rewarded. From flimsy reasons he was banned from working: Before a European Cup game against Bayern Munich, was the Magdeburg coach refused to let the bug car of the opponent. Krüger was only after the turn of rehabilitated and honored for his achievements.
ZSG Horch Zwickau
- first football champion of the GDR
Planitzer The successor organization ZSG (Central Sport Community) Horch Zwickau continued its triumphal march. In 1950, the team's first East German champion. On the final day before 60 000 spectators Zwickau won 5-1 in the first-placed to date SG Dresden-Friedrichstadt, German champion in 1943 and 1944 (as Dresdner SC). The referee was accused of favoring the Zwickau. The present later in the game State Walter Ulbricht said to have exerted pressure so that the outsider Zwickau - the team of state-owned Horch car plants - as against the existing bourgeois Dresdner Eleven wins. The police had to protect it from political notables applied viewers. Dresdner Several players left after the bitter defeat of the land to the west - including Helmut Schön, who led West Germany in 1974 as coach to win the World Cup. The German second world title is so with the Zwickau masterpiece together in 1950, at least indirectly.
As a reward for the biggest national success, the Zwickau footballer ever won, the Horch heroes received include a picture of the East German president Wilhelm Pieck, a miner's lamp with engraving, a pair of new shoes and a shirt. Siegfried Meier and Guenter Schneider, master players of 1948 and 1950, nor later talked about. Meier was transformed in 1954 the first international match penalty of the GDR. Schneider From 1976 to 1983 president of the German Football Association of the DDR (DFV) and became the opponent of his former team-mate Heinz Krüger. This convicted in 1990 on a DFV-session, the eavesdropping and figured it off especially with the hard-liner cutter.
Zwickau, David among Goliaths in the East German Oberliga
Zwickau, a non-government-sponsored company sports club (BSG), claimed over three decades in the East German Oberliga next privileged football clubs such as Berlin, Dresden and Karl-Marx-Stadt. In the games went against the current as a Stasi club Berliner FC Dynamo is not always above board. Ran it for the duration champion BFC will not always round, referee the games attracted disproportionate in length, including 1980 in Zwickau. The referee did enact just under eight minutes, but the outsider Zwickau saved his 2-1 lead over time. In the mid-1950s, when motor came with Zwickau, bismuth Aue, progress and rise Meerane volume four of 14 league teams from the metropolitan area Zwickau, mingled with the politics in play activities. Almost overnight, the players from the Erzgebirgsstädtchen volume in the previously under-represented North of the country delegates. The SC rise Rostock, who had previously has no competitive football department, took the league now a place of sounds.
The 25-year anniversary Sachsenring Zwickau league finished in the alltime list of the top spot. Until 1983 for the first time the league was missed. In the eternal DDR-Oberliga Table Zwickau ranks with 336 victories, 218 draws, 395 defeats and 1.310:1.489 gates to eighth. Away took home three of the highest Zwickau defeats League history: 0:10 at the BFC Dynamo (1978/79 season) and 0:9 respectively at ASK Vorwärts Berlin (season 1957) and 1 FC Magdeburg (1982/83 season). Zwickau Heinz Satrapa in 1950 with 23 goals first DDR-scorer. This feat repeated in 1967 Hartmut Renton with 17 goals. Alois Glaubitz is with 428 games 1956-1973, the player with the second-most league operations. Jürgen Croy is located at 372 point games between 1965-1981 at the ninth place. Glaubitz said to have been replaced only twice, and warned once in his career.
The Miracle of Berlin and the conquest of Europe
Zwickau footballers were four times in the final of the Cup of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB). 1954 were subject to forward Berlin 1-2. It was followed by three victories: 1963 on Chemie Zeitz (3-0), 1967 against Hansa Rostock (3-0) and 1975 against the top club Dynamo Dresden. 55 000 people watched in Berlin, the most exciting cup final of GDR history. Sachsenring Zwickau was in the penultimate minute of extra compensation of 2-2 and then won the team a penalty shootout 4-3 against Dresden. Converted the crucial penalty kick just goalkeeper Croy. The Sachsenring Trabant manufacturers donated their players a trip to Bulgaria and a leather wallet and drew them as "the best workers in gold, silver or bronze.
Thanks to the success in the national cup Zwickau GDR represented three times at the European level. The association at that time was on par with Hamburg SV, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt, in the European Cup for Germany started. After a play-free round of Motor Zwickau difference in the 1963-64 season in the second round against MTK Budapest (1-0 in Zwickau, 0-2 away). 1967/68 was also right after the kick-off final again, this time against Torpedo Moscow (away 0-0, 0-1 in Zwickau).
In season 1975/76 penetrated Sachsenring Zwickau sensational start in the third before the semi-finals. The sports officials had initially considered whether to register the outsiders in general to European competition. Croy and Co. taught them a lesson: Sachsenring won against Panathinaikos Athens (away 0-0, 2-0 in Zwickau), the outwardly Fiorentina ( 0:1, 1:0 / 5:4 on penalties in Zwickau) and Celtic (away 1-1, 1-0 by in Zwickau). Florence again turned against Jürgen Croy the last penalty. Louis Blank, who scored both goals against Glasgow, was given the nickname "Schottentod. In the semi-finals after a grueling season exhausted Zwickau in the late Cup-winning RSC Anderlecht (0-3 at Zwickau, 0-2 away) failed. At the home games brought up to 40,000 euphoric Zwickau - some had provided extra work, children were off school - the Georgi-Dimitrov Stadium (now West Saxony Stadium) to the quake - the Myth of "heap" was born.
World-class keeper Jürgen Croy: the retention of Zwickau and the GDR
is in the best list of the GDR's most capped player, the native of Croy Planitzer third. In 94 internationals, including Olympia, he guarded the gate. His record: 47 wins, 29 draws and 18 defeats. The away games of the national team led him to Western, and thus for East German citizens actually unreachable states. His first try had Croy 1967 with 1-0 win in Sweden, the last in 1981 in the 5-0 home win against Cuba. In 1976 he won Olympic gold in Montreal 1972 Munich Olympic bronze. 1972, 1976 and 1978, the Zwickau "Player of the Year" in the GDR. The magazine "New Football Week chose him in 1989 the best soccer player ever GDR.
1974 faced each other in the preliminary round of the soccer World Cup hosting the FRG and the GDR. It was the only one ever held international between the two German states. Croy and his team won 1-0 in Hamburg - a historic triumph for the underdog, and a propaganda coup for the SED. In the stadium were hand-picked "fans" cheer mainly officials and party members. "For the unexpected victory of the World Cup qualifying round, we received a total of 5,000 marks. This also included the victory against West Germany. For this sum makes today so hardly anyone on the shoes, "said Jürgen Croy to the online magazine. The game winning in Hamburg, he called the "SUPERillu" had him as his most important success, "because we were able to show the world that we are good footballers." Before the meeting, the Bild newspaper, which certainly no friend of the DDR-Eleven had been, in terms of performance rated better than Sepp Maier.
Croy's fans expect him to this day high that he never joined an East German giants, although company sports teams such as Zwickau served as a talent scout. An offer from Dresden to have been present. Moreover, also from the West, but "it was clear that I had discontinued, I had my wife and my family never saw her again, "said Croy for" SUPERillu.
Faithful Croy since 1976 Honorary Citizen of his hometown. After the end of the playing career of trained physical education teachers trained in the mid 1980s Zwickau league team. After the turn he was mayor of Education, Culture and Sport in Zwickau. Since 2000, the goalkeeper legend works as managing director of culture, tourism and trade fair companies Zwickau GmbH, which markets including the town hall.
provincial Posse at Zwickau young talent fungus
After Jürgen Croy's era was Hans-Uwe Pilz is one of the most promising young talents at Sachsenring Zwickau. The exchange of talent to Dynamo Dresden employed in winter 1981/1982, the Saxon football scene. The Vice Mayor of Karl-Marx-Stadt and some local enterprise directors had seen fungus rather play in the district capital and are therefore the Council of State have written to Honecker. In Zwickau wanted one that fungus developed in the BSG Sachsenring, Croy modeled after the national team. City Hall chief fishermen tried to "his" Star to keep up with building a house offer. In vain - the young players went to Dresden, which was ultimately the Zwick Auer rather than a transfer to district rival Karl-Marx-Stadt. Fungus came to 1989 on 35 missions in the East German national team and returned to the 1990 return as a player and coach to FSV Zwickau.
- football state GDR. Offense Played On, Off. Edited by Frank Willmann (Eulenspiegel Verlag)
- Norbert Peschke: 100 years of football in the Zwickau region (Zschiesche-Verlag)
- Jutta Braun, Hans Joachim Teichler (ed.): Sport City of Berlin during the Cold War. Prestige system struggles and competition (Ch. Links Verlag)
Westsachsenstadion in Zwickau © |
Germany's first master of the heart
Planitzer The SC was one of the Zwickau south before the Second World War to Saxony's best football teams. For the inauguration of the West Saxons fight Railways (now Südkampfbahn), a training ground for the time up to 30,000 (!) Viewers Planitz defeated in 1938 in a friendly match multiple German champion Schalke 04 3-2. In 1942 the club moved into the quarter finals as a champion of Saxony to the all-German championship, losing in Vienna Vienna to 2-0 lead with 2:3. Which was after the war as SG Planitz newly formed company in 1948 Saxony champion. In the subsequent Ostzonenfinale Planitz beat out 40,000 fans in Leipzig 1-0 SG Freiimfelder hall, the master Saxony-Anhalt.
should be in the quarter final of the all-German championship in 1948 in Stuttgart Planitzer against 1 FC Nuremberg, champions of the American occupation zone compete. But the player from the Soviet authorities did not receive permission to travel to the West. The outsider was thus deprived of his big chance and therefore almost Germany's first master of the heart. The Franks moved to the semifinals without a fight and ultimately to the final against Kaiserslautern, champion of the French occupation zone,. Nuremberg won the championship. After that there was not until 1991 all-German football championship more.
A player who later became Planitzer Meisterelf from 1948 to of the most successful football coaches in Europe. Heinz Krüger (1921-2008) won with 1 FC Magdeburg 1972, 1974 and 1975 the East German Cup in 1969 and 1973 the East German Cup. 1974 managed Krügel the sensation: his "1 FCM defeated "in the final of the European Cup Winners' Cup AC Milan 2-0. Such a coup was no other East German football club. Top clubs like Juventus are said to have lured Kruegel, but the native of Oberplanitzer remained in the GDR. His loyalty was not rewarded. From flimsy reasons he was banned from working: Before a European Cup game against Bayern Munich, was the Magdeburg coach refused to let the bug car of the opponent. Krüger was only after the turn of rehabilitated and honored for his achievements.
- first football champion of the GDR
Planitzer The successor organization ZSG (Central Sport Community) Horch Zwickau continued its triumphal march. In 1950, the team's first East German champion. On the final day before 60 000 spectators Zwickau won 5-1 in the first-placed to date SG Dresden-Friedrichstadt, German champion in 1943 and 1944 (as Dresdner SC). The referee was accused of favoring the Zwickau. The present later in the game State Walter Ulbricht said to have exerted pressure so that the outsider Zwickau - the team of state-owned Horch car plants - as against the existing bourgeois Dresdner Eleven wins. The police had to protect it from political notables applied viewers. Dresdner Several players left after the bitter defeat of the land to the west - including Helmut Schön, who led West Germany in 1974 as coach to win the World Cup. The German second world title is so with the Zwickau masterpiece together in 1950, at least indirectly.
As a reward for the biggest national success, the Zwickau footballer ever won, the Horch heroes received include a picture of the East German president Wilhelm Pieck, a miner's lamp with engraving, a pair of new shoes and a shirt. Siegfried Meier and Guenter Schneider, master players of 1948 and 1950, nor later talked about. Meier was transformed in 1954 the first international match penalty of the GDR. Schneider From 1976 to 1983 president of the German Football Association of the DDR (DFV) and became the opponent of his former team-mate Heinz Krüger. This convicted in 1990 on a DFV-session, the eavesdropping and figured it off especially with the hard-liner cutter.
Zwickau, David among Goliaths in the East German Oberliga
Zwickau, a non-government-sponsored company sports club (BSG), claimed over three decades in the East German Oberliga next privileged football clubs such as Berlin, Dresden and Karl-Marx-Stadt. In the games went against the current as a Stasi club Berliner FC Dynamo is not always above board. Ran it for the duration champion BFC will not always round, referee the games attracted disproportionate in length, including 1980 in Zwickau. The referee did enact just under eight minutes, but the outsider Zwickau saved his 2-1 lead over time. In the mid-1950s, when motor came with Zwickau, bismuth Aue, progress and rise Meerane volume four of 14 league teams from the metropolitan area Zwickau, mingled with the politics in play activities. Almost overnight, the players from the Erzgebirgsstädtchen volume in the previously under-represented North of the country delegates. The SC rise Rostock, who had previously has no competitive football department, took the league now a place of sounds.
The 25-year anniversary Sachsenring Zwickau league finished in the alltime list of the top spot. Until 1983 for the first time the league was missed. In the eternal DDR-Oberliga Table Zwickau ranks with 336 victories, 218 draws, 395 defeats and 1.310:1.489 gates to eighth. Away took home three of the highest Zwickau defeats League history: 0:10 at the BFC Dynamo (1978/79 season) and 0:9 respectively at ASK Vorwärts Berlin (season 1957) and 1 FC Magdeburg (1982/83 season). Zwickau Heinz Satrapa in 1950 with 23 goals first DDR-scorer. This feat repeated in 1967 Hartmut Renton with 17 goals. Alois Glaubitz is with 428 games 1956-1973, the player with the second-most league operations. Jürgen Croy is located at 372 point games between 1965-1981 at the ninth place. Glaubitz said to have been replaced only twice, and warned once in his career.
The Miracle of Berlin and the conquest of Europe
Zwickau footballers were four times in the final of the Cup of the Free German Trade Union Federation (FDGB). 1954 were subject to forward Berlin 1-2. It was followed by three victories: 1963 on Chemie Zeitz (3-0), 1967 against Hansa Rostock (3-0) and 1975 against the top club Dynamo Dresden. 55 000 people watched in Berlin, the most exciting cup final of GDR history. Sachsenring Zwickau was in the penultimate minute of extra compensation of 2-2 and then won the team a penalty shootout 4-3 against Dresden. Converted the crucial penalty kick just goalkeeper Croy. The Sachsenring Trabant manufacturers donated their players a trip to Bulgaria and a leather wallet and drew them as "the best workers in gold, silver or bronze.
Thanks to the success in the national cup Zwickau GDR represented three times at the European level. The association at that time was on par with Hamburg SV, Bayern Munich and Eintracht Frankfurt, in the European Cup for Germany started. After a play-free round of Motor Zwickau difference in the 1963-64 season in the second round against MTK Budapest (1-0 in Zwickau, 0-2 away). 1967/68 was also right after the kick-off final again, this time against Torpedo Moscow (away 0-0, 0-1 in Zwickau).
In season 1975/76 penetrated Sachsenring Zwickau sensational start in the third before the semi-finals. The sports officials had initially considered whether to register the outsiders in general to European competition. Croy and Co. taught them a lesson: Sachsenring won against Panathinaikos Athens (away 0-0, 2-0 in Zwickau), the outwardly Fiorentina ( 0:1, 1:0 / 5:4 on penalties in Zwickau) and Celtic (away 1-1, 1-0 by in Zwickau). Florence again turned against Jürgen Croy the last penalty. Louis Blank, who scored both goals against Glasgow, was given the nickname "Schottentod. In the semi-finals after a grueling season exhausted Zwickau in the late Cup-winning RSC Anderlecht (0-3 at Zwickau, 0-2 away) failed. At the home games brought up to 40,000 euphoric Zwickau - some had provided extra work, children were off school - the Georgi-Dimitrov Stadium (now West Saxony Stadium) to the quake - the Myth of "heap" was born.
World-class keeper Jürgen Croy: the retention of Zwickau and the GDR
is in the best list of the GDR's most capped player, the native of Croy Planitzer third. In 94 internationals, including Olympia, he guarded the gate. His record: 47 wins, 29 draws and 18 defeats. The away games of the national team led him to Western, and thus for East German citizens actually unreachable states. His first try had Croy 1967 with 1-0 win in Sweden, the last in 1981 in the 5-0 home win against Cuba. In 1976 he won Olympic gold in Montreal 1972 Munich Olympic bronze. 1972, 1976 and 1978, the Zwickau "Player of the Year" in the GDR. The magazine "New Football Week chose him in 1989 the best soccer player ever GDR.
1974 faced each other in the preliminary round of the soccer World Cup hosting the FRG and the GDR. It was the only one ever held international between the two German states. Croy and his team won 1-0 in Hamburg - a historic triumph for the underdog, and a propaganda coup for the SED. In the stadium were hand-picked "fans" cheer mainly officials and party members. "For the unexpected victory of the World Cup qualifying round, we received a total of 5,000 marks. This also included the victory against West Germany. For this sum makes today so hardly anyone on the shoes, "said Jürgen Croy to the online magazine. The game winning in Hamburg, he called the "SUPERillu" had him as his most important success, "because we were able to show the world that we are good footballers." Before the meeting, the Bild newspaper, which certainly no friend of the DDR-Eleven had been, in terms of performance rated better than Sepp Maier.
Croy's fans expect him to this day high that he never joined an East German giants, although company sports teams such as Zwickau served as a talent scout. An offer from Dresden to have been present. Moreover, also from the West, but "it was clear that I had discontinued, I had my wife and my family never saw her again, "said Croy for" SUPERillu.
Faithful Croy since 1976 Honorary Citizen of his hometown. After the end of the playing career of trained physical education teachers trained in the mid 1980s Zwickau league team. After the turn he was mayor of Education, Culture and Sport in Zwickau. Since 2000, the goalkeeper legend works as managing director of culture, tourism and trade fair companies Zwickau GmbH, which markets including the town hall.
provincial Posse at Zwickau young talent fungus
After Jürgen Croy's era was Hans-Uwe Pilz is one of the most promising young talents at Sachsenring Zwickau. The exchange of talent to Dynamo Dresden employed in winter 1981/1982, the Saxon football scene. The Vice Mayor of Karl-Marx-Stadt and some local enterprise directors had seen fungus rather play in the district capital and are therefore the Council of State have written to Honecker. In Zwickau wanted one that fungus developed in the BSG Sachsenring, Croy modeled after the national team. City Hall chief fishermen tried to "his" Star to keep up with building a house offer. In vain - the young players went to Dresden, which was ultimately the Zwick Auer rather than a transfer to district rival Karl-Marx-Stadt. Fungus came to 1989 on 35 missions in the East German national team and returned to the 1990 return as a player and coach to FSV Zwickau.
- football state GDR. Offense Played On, Off. Edited by Frank Willmann (Eulenspiegel Verlag)
- Norbert Peschke: 100 years of football in the Zwickau region (Zschiesche-Verlag)
- Jutta Braun, Hans Joachim Teichler (ed.): Sport City of Berlin during the Cold War. Prestige system struggles and competition (Ch. Links Verlag)
How Do I Get Airopeek
Saxony, Volkswagen Engine: Modern Mobile from Zwickau-Mosel for millions
August Horch founded in 1904 from a village on the Mosel, the era of automotive engineering in Zwickau. A curious coincidence: Today in the Zwickau district Mosel beats the heart of Saxony's automotive industries. There provide about 6,200 employees of Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH, one of the largest employers in eastern Germany, up to 1,350 cars a day ago the Golf and Passat. For the firm Zwickau, where were dropped after 1989, thousands of jobs, the factory a motor that keeps the city running. And it is a health barometer: Coughs VW, get a flu Zwickau. Is it the car work well, also feel the Zwickau well. Wages in the city dump are among the highest in Saxony.
billion investments after the Wall
The contacts with the GDR-rich western car companies back to the 1970s. The French company Citroen built in Mosel then a drive shaft work with the new owner is still working. Volkswagen AG and the industry association Automotive (IFA) of the GDR was founded shortly after the wall came down, the joint venture VW IFA Cars Ltd. It was a car, the Polo class as Trabant successor in the nearly completed new plants from Sachsenring will be built in Mosel.
On 26 September 1990, a Week before the reunion, put Chancellor Kohl and VW boss cock the foundation for the new factory in Mosel - the go-ahead for billion-dollar investment. On 12 December 1990, the IFA VW cars in the Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH, a 100-VW-owned subsidiary, changed its name. It included also an engine plant in Chemnitz.
On 21 May 1990 was still at Sachsenring in Mosel, the first in the GDR mounted VW Polo off the line. On the same day the third million satellite, one of the first four-stroke engine Polo was passed. The production of both models ceased in 1991 because the Trabi-demand gene tended zero and in Zwickau began the Gulf production. The trade-production was in 1996. By 2007, screwed the Moseler automakers together three million vehicles. The Sachsenring works required over 30 years to build by three million Trabis.
Without the talented West Saxon automaker would in the Dresden "Transparent Factory" the lights go out. For in Zwickau the coaches for the luxury Phaeton model will be produced before they are transferred to the state capital and assembled in the prestigious car factory. Customers can watch it and perceive both a cultural and culinary offerings. At the beginning of the 20th Century had produced the Zwickau Horch works a superb car named Phaeton. In addition, Volkswagen produced in Zwickau bodies for the UK Automobile manufacturers and purveyors Bentley.
Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH 2010 has as many cars as ever made: A total of 250,000 vehicles were off the line (2009: 212.000). In the same year celebrated the Zwickau plant plant celebrates its 20th anniversary. Volkswagen 3.6 million in this time of Saxony in all parts of the world have been delivered. "Our staff is here in Saxony the best in the world," a senior VW official said on the occasion of the jubilee to the press. Also in 2010, presented the new VW Passat model in Zwickau at the motor show in Paris. In November, the total two-millionth Passat was designed Zwickau.
Lighthouses Zwickau-Mosel
"I never doubted how important and well Chemnitz and Zwickau as a location for our group would be," said one former VW board Hahn. "However, I knew not then that of paramount importance and responsibility we should have for this region by the absence of other significant investors. You can only be grateful that we were able to take such a chance and implement -. Again crucial both thanks to the people of this region and all the staff at our West German plants "from major industries such as VW sparked go small for the development- and medium-sized structures.
Zwickau VW actually has great appeal. The two chimneys of the work that rise like two lighthouses in the sky, symbolize the often-invoked lighthouse policy. Many suppliers who supply the company with prefabricated modules "just-in-time, settled itself. Volkswagen puts its effect on employment to a total of 35,000 jobs. The infrastructure is very modern in Mosel. The early 1990s, the federal highway B93 from Zwickau, VW plant and the A4 motorway at Meerane to around 16 kilometers newly built four-lane - with six connection points to the existing road network, the new cloverleaf Cross of A4/B93 and the 440-meter-long tunnel Moseler.
coined until the reunification, the rural idyll to work adjacent villages Schlunzig and Mosel. From a district official description for Schlunzig emerge until 1990, no major events: In the 1960s there was at least the first prestressed concrete bridge was built and in 1974 the GDR was first built on the church roof, a pair of storks nests. In Mosel there was a little more movement: It was here, as described above, a propeller shaft drive. Until the incorporation to Zwickau in 1999 should have been Schlunzig Mosel and because of the business tax two wealthy villages.
for their outstanding Contribution to the maintenance of the car location Zwickau by VW-settlement with the result of new perspectives for the people of West Saxons gave the city of Zwickau an honorary citizen of the VW Manager Dr. Carl H. Hahn (1998) and Dr. Ferdinand Piech (1999). At the anniversary event "100 years of car manufacturing in the economic region of Chemnitz-Zwickau" (2004) was Chancellor Schroeder in a speech Zwickau-Mosel. 2009, the World Works met with employee representatives from over 60 locations, and the personnel director of Volkswagen in Zwickau.
Investment in Zwickau and Chemnitz sites go further, however. According to VW, it was only 2010 at 215 million €. produced in Mosel present a new, 14-meter high production hall on an area of 35,000 square meters.
Zwickau, Wolfsburg of the East?
played in the 1990s, the FSV Zwickau and VfL Wolfsburg in the Second Bundesliga against each other. With two wins, draws and defeats the balance sheet was in balance. In the automotive Zwickau Wolfsburg remained of the East, the cities in football now separate worlds. Therefore supports Volkswagen, sponsor of the German Champion of 2009, the young Saxon of the fifth division. "The FSV Zwickau eV is an association that has the potential to play again in the mid exciting football. Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH and Volkswagen sports promotion want it to take the lead and moving, other regional businesses to promote the game site Zwickau again a fixture in Saxony ", said the company in 2008. 2010 the contract was renewed. Although still in the city of Zwickau represented Volkswagen Bank makes money on players loose purchases, could be the dream come true by successfully re-Zwickau football ...
source of the quote from Carl H. Hahn:
dam, Rocco, Hull, Marco; herring, Lutz (ed.): Highlights from Saxony. Stuttgart, Leipzig: Hohenheim, 2005
The "Lighthouse" by Zwickau-Mosel © |
billion investments after the Wall
The contacts with the GDR-rich western car companies back to the 1970s. The French company Citroen built in Mosel then a drive shaft work with the new owner is still working. Volkswagen AG and the industry association Automotive (IFA) of the GDR was founded shortly after the wall came down, the joint venture VW IFA Cars Ltd. It was a car, the Polo class as Trabant successor in the nearly completed new plants from Sachsenring will be built in Mosel.
On 26 September 1990, a Week before the reunion, put Chancellor Kohl and VW boss cock the foundation for the new factory in Mosel - the go-ahead for billion-dollar investment. On 12 December 1990, the IFA VW cars in the Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH, a 100-VW-owned subsidiary, changed its name. It included also an engine plant in Chemnitz.
On 21 May 1990 was still at Sachsenring in Mosel, the first in the GDR mounted VW Polo off the line. On the same day the third million satellite, one of the first four-stroke engine Polo was passed. The production of both models ceased in 1991 because the Trabi-demand gene tended zero and in Zwickau began the Gulf production. The trade-production was in 1996. By 2007, screwed the Moseler automakers together three million vehicles. The Sachsenring works required over 30 years to build by three million Trabis.
Without the talented West Saxon automaker would in the Dresden "Transparent Factory" the lights go out. For in Zwickau the coaches for the luxury Phaeton model will be produced before they are transferred to the state capital and assembled in the prestigious car factory. Customers can watch it and perceive both a cultural and culinary offerings. At the beginning of the 20th Century had produced the Zwickau Horch works a superb car named Phaeton. In addition, Volkswagen produced in Zwickau bodies for the UK Automobile manufacturers and purveyors Bentley.
Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH 2010 has as many cars as ever made: A total of 250,000 vehicles were off the line (2009: 212.000). In the same year celebrated the Zwickau plant plant celebrates its 20th anniversary. Volkswagen 3.6 million in this time of Saxony in all parts of the world have been delivered. "Our staff is here in Saxony the best in the world," a senior VW official said on the occasion of the jubilee to the press. Also in 2010, presented the new VW Passat model in Zwickau at the motor show in Paris. In November, the total two-millionth Passat was designed Zwickau.
Lighthouses Zwickau-Mosel
"I never doubted how important and well Chemnitz and Zwickau as a location for our group would be," said one former VW board Hahn. "However, I knew not then that of paramount importance and responsibility we should have for this region by the absence of other significant investors. You can only be grateful that we were able to take such a chance and implement -. Again crucial both thanks to the people of this region and all the staff at our West German plants "from major industries such as VW sparked go small for the development- and medium-sized structures.
Zwickau VW actually has great appeal. The two chimneys of the work that rise like two lighthouses in the sky, symbolize the often-invoked lighthouse policy. Many suppliers who supply the company with prefabricated modules "just-in-time, settled itself. Volkswagen puts its effect on employment to a total of 35,000 jobs. The infrastructure is very modern in Mosel. The early 1990s, the federal highway B93 from Zwickau, VW plant and the A4 motorway at Meerane to around 16 kilometers newly built four-lane - with six connection points to the existing road network, the new cloverleaf Cross of A4/B93 and the 440-meter-long tunnel Moseler.
coined until the reunification, the rural idyll to work adjacent villages Schlunzig and Mosel. From a district official description for Schlunzig emerge until 1990, no major events: In the 1960s there was at least the first prestressed concrete bridge was built and in 1974 the GDR was first built on the church roof, a pair of storks nests. In Mosel there was a little more movement: It was here, as described above, a propeller shaft drive. Until the incorporation to Zwickau in 1999 should have been Schlunzig Mosel and because of the business tax two wealthy villages.
for their outstanding Contribution to the maintenance of the car location Zwickau by VW-settlement with the result of new perspectives for the people of West Saxons gave the city of Zwickau an honorary citizen of the VW Manager Dr. Carl H. Hahn (1998) and Dr. Ferdinand Piech (1999). At the anniversary event "100 years of car manufacturing in the economic region of Chemnitz-Zwickau" (2004) was Chancellor Schroeder in a speech Zwickau-Mosel. 2009, the World Works met with employee representatives from over 60 locations, and the personnel director of Volkswagen in Zwickau.
Investment in Zwickau and Chemnitz sites go further, however. According to VW, it was only 2010 at 215 million €. produced in Mosel present a new, 14-meter high production hall on an area of 35,000 square meters.
Zwickau, Wolfsburg of the East?
played in the 1990s, the FSV Zwickau and VfL Wolfsburg in the Second Bundesliga against each other. With two wins, draws and defeats the balance sheet was in balance. In the automotive Zwickau Wolfsburg remained of the East, the cities in football now separate worlds. Therefore supports Volkswagen, sponsor of the German Champion of 2009, the young Saxon of the fifth division. "The FSV Zwickau eV is an association that has the potential to play again in the mid exciting football. Volkswagen Sachsen GmbH and Volkswagen sports promotion want it to take the lead and moving, other regional businesses to promote the game site Zwickau again a fixture in Saxony ", said the company in 2008. 2010 the contract was renewed. Although still in the city of Zwickau represented Volkswagen Bank makes money on players loose purchases, could be the dream come true by successfully re-Zwickau football ...
source of the quote from Carl H. Hahn:
dam, Rocco, Hull, Marco; herring, Lutz (ed.): Highlights from Saxony. Stuttgart, Leipzig: Hohenheim, 2005
Can Yaz Be Used As An Emergency Contraceptive
Horch, an Audi! The cradle of the world brand with the four rings as the Zwickau
Where founded August Horch (1868-1951), the Audi works? Where Audi invented the left-hand drive? Such questions could be quizmaster at any time, submit their rate shows. The candidate would touch with a high probability of Ingolstadt. But really is: Zwickau! Here is the birthplace of Audi, one of the most respected brands in the world and one of the most popular employers in Germany. 1909, Audi's global success story in the northern suburb of Zwickau, where today the August Horch Museum .
Second choice: Why is the "Lord of the four rings" in Zwickau settled
The automobile pioneer comes from the Mosel-Winningen community and learned the blacksmith father's occupation. After studying at the Technical Mittweida he worked in a foundry in Rostock, at the local shipyard Neptune, in a machine factory in Leipzig and Carl Benz in Mannheim. 1899 Horch founded in Cologne a "repair shop for motor vehicles and machines of all kinds," the bursting at the seams. Moritz Bauer bought from Plauen it from him, Horch was director. The facilities were first in 1902 in the Vogtland-city, then moved to the nearby Reichenbach. 1904 again was a parade. Why the location Zwickau was only second choice, Horch describes in his autobiography:
"In April, it could we go in Leipzig to look for suitable factory premises. I had learned that the factory where I had previously worked as a manager (coarse and Cie.), Would be free and would be offered for sale. I went there immediately, but the day before it was sold to another company. I continued in Leipzig, but I found nothing that would have been suitable for the construction of cars. I told the founding meeting next with, and someone said the proposal to go to Zwickau. I objected immediately that Zwickau me to lay off from the main line Berlin-Leipzig-Munich. But Dr. Stöß said, the games for the automotive industry are not essential, and he also was convinced that the main rail line will soon be out of Zwickau. He had won the majority of the Lords of Zwickau. I may anticipate that the main line was never about Zwickau "
1904/1909. Establishing the Horch and Audi-Werke in Zwickau
August Horch in 1904 laid the foundation for the Zwickau automotive industry. On the road 49 Crimmitschauer He bought the empty canvas weaving "guard and Zeuner, and on 10 May he founded the company "A. Horch and Cie., Motor-Werke AG in Zwickau in Saxony "with a capital of 110,000 Reichsmark. In the Second Herkomer competition in Landsberg am Lech, the country's oldest touring car rally the world in 1906 Horch 11/22 PS won the smallest car of the field for overall victory. Was steered the car from Zwickau lawyer Rudolf Stöß. In 1909 came the break: The board was responsible for listening to his car at races no longer occupied the top places. The contractor left the settlement of 20,000 Reichsmark company he founded.
Horch was now even more gas. In a former woodworking factory - within sight of the first workplace - the smart designer founded on 16 July 1909, August Horch Automotive GmbH with registered capital of 200,000 Reichsmark. A legal dispute over the own name Horch lost to his former company. Random House was in Zwickau its shareholder Franz Fikentscher the World Brand "Audi" was born - the Latin translation of "listening": Not as Horch wrote in his memoir, the son of the landlord, but by his Latin teacher.
rally victories and left-hand drive: Zwickau Audi works on the fast track
The Audi brand was once for quality, luxury and technological progress. Zwickau in 1910, won the Swedish reliability test, the rally of the Gau Saxony and Dresden mountain road test. August Horch in 1911 won himself in an Audi 10/28 hp Type B, the Austrian Alpine Rally. As a member of the Audi factory team Horch won the 10/28 PS (1912) and the new 14/35 hp (1913, 1914) each of the team's victory, and thanks to this triples the Alpine Challenge Trophy. The return trip in late June 1914 after Zwickau impressed the genius car manufacturers:
"In Zwickau they had not endured with impatience already in Neudeck in Bohemia came to meet us the first car, and there was a storm of welcome. When we got to Aue to the Ore Mountains, stood on the large space inside the town a huge number of cars, and again it was a huge and warm welcome, and in a true triumph, it went through snow mountain to Zwickau. "
In The festivities burst the way the news of the assassination in Sarajevo triggered the First World War.
1920 Audi chose from left switch to right-hand drive - a ground-breaking innovation. This was overtaking by the better insight into oncoming traffic safer and have the will shift lever and hand brake in the middle of the vehicle moved. This reorganization was years ahead of its competitors, Audi. Zwickau grew into a center of innovation approach in the German automotive industry. End of the 1930s were 20 percent of all new cars from the West-Saxon industrial city.
Depression: Association of the famous four rings
took over in 1928 the Dane Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen of DKW in Zschopau's largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world, made the financially troubled Audi plant. Under the pressure of declining sales figures in 1932 were joined by Audi, Horch, DKW and the automotive department of Wanderer using the Saxon State Bank to form Auto Union AG, located in Chemnitz together - the second largest German car manufacturer! Hallmark of the car-multinationals, the four interlocked rings, symbolizing the unity of the companies. August Horch was one from 1933 to the Supervisory Board.
Audi sold from now on sporty and elegant middle-and upper-class models. Horch, which had originally been working on a merger with Daimler-Benz, focused on luxury cars such as the twelve-cylinder 670th At the Berlin Motor Show 1939, the company presented the 930 S is a according to the knowledge of aerodynamics crafted streamlined vehicle. An unusual detail of this Horch car was an outboard on the passenger side, pull-out sink with running hot and cold water. "Silver Arrow" racing cars from Auto Union, built in Zwickau Horch factory, afforded duels with the Silver Arrows of Mercedes-Benz. At the wheel of the Saxons were driving racing legends like Hans Stuck and Bernd Rosemeyer. 2009 was in Caramel (California), a silver arrow from Zwickau type D for eight million dollars for the auction.
"Audi-Horch" between adoration and contempt
1920, the "Audi-Horch" - that he signed letters - pulled out of the current fiscal and the West Saxons: "The reason was simple: I wanted to get away from Zwickau . I had during the war, an extraordinary amount of work for industry and especially for the Audi works abroad must, above all, very often I had been in Berlin, and now I wanted to move to Berlin. There suggested the strong heart of the empire, there was the source, there were the choices, I wanted to be at the source. I could be there for the automotive industry and my company operate very differently than in breast-Zwickau. " In the capital, he worked as an automotive expert and held various honorary positions.
Zwickau, August Horch in 1939 awarded the honorary citizenship. Before that, a street was named after him, "On 28 June 1934 had told me the city of Zwickau, that it intended to rename the street Crimmitschauer in August-Horch-Strasse. My name is with the city of Zwickau, and the local car industry inextricably linked. I would have put the founding of the two works Horch and Audi, the automobile industry to Zwickau, and for this the city would be grateful. The letter goes on to state that the products of both firms stood not only in the kingdom, but also in the world in high esteem. I was proud of this honor. "
After the war, fled with the Jewish Horch Else Kolmar before the Red Army after Münchberg. The former opera singer was nurse his late wife in 1946. When trying to save, in Zwickau remaining possessions and take to Upper Franconia, Kolmar woman was arrested. In 1948 she married the aged Horch. His life in Münchberg he spent in modest circumstances. Two world wars, inflation, global economic crisis and tragedy, like the costly care of his first wife left, his life there be no wealth. After all: his newly founded company in West Germany got in touch with him, invited him and helped him to some extent, financially.
be particularly bad reception Horch defamation of the SED. She asked him to join the Nazi Party and support the war economy. The smear campaign culminated in the back naming the Zwickau August-Horch-Strasse. The withdrawal of the honorary citizenship was denied by the resistance of the population. The age of 82 he died in February 1951 in Münchberg. In 2000, Horch, who stands in a row with the name of Porsche, Daimler and Benz and reportedly never had a driver's license into the Automotive Hall of Fame in Detroit (USA) added.
Audis new beginning after 1945: Zwickau reconstruction aid for the West
dismantled after the Second World War, the Soviet occupation forces from Reparationsgründen parts of the Zwickau plant facilities. The Saxon Auto Union migrated to the West and in 1949 re-established in Ingolstadt. The population of the center of the auto and oil industry rose to over 120,000 (2005) and has tripled compared to the pre-war (Ingolstadt 1939 had about 35,000 inhabitants, Zwickau then 85,000). there will be settlements with the vernacular name "Little Zwickau" and "small-Chemnitz" created - Many engineers settled on. Late 1950s, Daimler Benz took over the company in the mid-1960s, the Volkswagen AG. Merged in 1969 with the four rings of Audi NSU AG NSU Auto Union AG, based in Neckarsulm. A little later the slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" was introduced. Since 1985, the company trades as Audi, Seat was Ingolstadt. Audi 1986 wrote advertising history: The wheel model "Quattro" went for a television spot up a Finnish ski jump.
was 2008, sales of the Audi Group's EUR 34.2 billion. Zwickau that one day as a factory site in the annual report emerges is unlikely. But hope dies last: On the occasion of the 100th Audi anniversary in 2009 the then Minister of Saxony said Thomas Jurk (SPD), August Horch in Zwickau had laid the foundation for today's successful Autoland Saxony (VW, BMW, Porsche). The Free State would also like Audi rolled out the red carpet. A public discussion at this time of the Renaissance brand "car Union "for the Audi's parent Volkswagen and Porsche Jurk commented by saying," But only with headquarters in Saxony "
anniversary" 100 Years of Audi ". Zwickau stood in the shadow of Ingolstadt
its 100th Audi birthday celebrated with a ceremony opened by Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ingolstadt. Prime Minister of Saxony Stanislaw Tillich and his predecessor Kurt Biedenkopf criticized the choice of venue. "I would have celebrated in place of Angela Merkel's 100-year anniversary of Audi in Zwickau ', Biedenkopf said at a panel discussion in Dresden. It states that it is a "typical example" of lack of Awareness that the GDR has unwittingly and forcibly made an extraordinary contribution to the development of West Germany. "Without the German division of Saxony would now be a leading German business location. Biedenkopf repeated his criticism of Audi in the ARD talkshow "hard but fair" before an audience of millions.
Also in the ad campaigns with the slogan "100 years ahead through technology," Zwickau played no role. Nevertheless, it was also celebrated at the cradle of world brand: with a party at the place of international friendship, where in the 1930 Auto Union presented the riders after their successes cars, and a rally where 100 classic cars 100 kilometers Vogtland rolled.
luxury, leather, saloons: Audi Zwickau maintains its tradition
there since 1993 in Zwickau, where August Horch lived 16 years, again a street named after him. 2004, to mark "100 years of car manufacturing in the economic region of Chemnitz-Zwickau", opened in the heart of the former Audi works the August Horch Museum. Winners are the city of Zwickau and Audi AG. The museum on the Audi Strasse 7 is an anchor point on the European Route of Industrial Heritage, a network of key sites of industrial heritage. 2006, the year the World Cup, was the establishment of a Zwickauer of 365 varieties of the "Germany - Land of Ideas ". On the A4 and A72 show signs point to this landmark of Saxony's industrial history. They show a Horch 350 of 1929 and the office building with the historic Audi logo. As the state of Saxony a reorganization of the museum world took into account in order to better distribute tourism lighthouses on the regions to Zwickau in 2002 was hoping for a move of the Dresden Transport Museum - but in vain, it remained in the state capital.
The car is maintained tradition with the annual "Sachsen Classic, one of the greatest classic car rallies in Germany. Lovers of historic vehicles to compare with the Italian racing classic "Mille Miglia (" thousand miles "). The MDR-TV reported in features with titles like "luxury, leather, sedan" or "luxury on four wheels" from the race, which normally runs between Zwickau and Dresden. 2009, the station broadcasts as part of its series "History of Middle Germany" a 45-minute episode, called "August Horch - A life on four wheels" from. Zwickau was a freight forwarder in 2011 his truck having a Europe on the move, smooth by promoting the Horch Museum.
- August Horch: I built cars. From the blacksmith's apprentice for auto industrialists (Published: August Horch Museum Zwickau gGmbH)
- Hermann Golle: Saxony reconstruction aid for the West, in: Dam, Rocco / Hull, Marco / Herring, Lutz: Highlights from Saxony (Hohenheim Verlag)
- Rüdiger Fikentscher: between King and Bebel. German stories from two centuries (Hohenheim Verlag)
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sign on the highway © City of Zwickau - |
Second choice: Why is the "Lord of the four rings" in Zwickau settled
The automobile pioneer comes from the Mosel-Winningen community and learned the blacksmith father's occupation. After studying at the Technical Mittweida he worked in a foundry in Rostock, at the local shipyard Neptune, in a machine factory in Leipzig and Carl Benz in Mannheim. 1899 Horch founded in Cologne a "repair shop for motor vehicles and machines of all kinds," the bursting at the seams. Moritz Bauer bought from Plauen it from him, Horch was director. The facilities were first in 1902 in the Vogtland-city, then moved to the nearby Reichenbach. 1904 again was a parade. Why the location Zwickau was only second choice, Horch describes in his autobiography:
"In April, it could we go in Leipzig to look for suitable factory premises. I had learned that the factory where I had previously worked as a manager (coarse and Cie.), Would be free and would be offered for sale. I went there immediately, but the day before it was sold to another company. I continued in Leipzig, but I found nothing that would have been suitable for the construction of cars. I told the founding meeting next with, and someone said the proposal to go to Zwickau. I objected immediately that Zwickau me to lay off from the main line Berlin-Leipzig-Munich. But Dr. Stöß said, the games for the automotive industry are not essential, and he also was convinced that the main rail line will soon be out of Zwickau. He had won the majority of the Lords of Zwickau. I may anticipate that the main line was never about Zwickau "
1904/1909. Establishing the Horch and Audi-Werke in Zwickau
August Horch in 1904 laid the foundation for the Zwickau automotive industry. On the road 49 Crimmitschauer He bought the empty canvas weaving "guard and Zeuner, and on 10 May he founded the company "A. Horch and Cie., Motor-Werke AG in Zwickau in Saxony "with a capital of 110,000 Reichsmark. In the Second Herkomer competition in Landsberg am Lech, the country's oldest touring car rally the world in 1906 Horch 11/22 PS won the smallest car of the field for overall victory. Was steered the car from Zwickau lawyer Rudolf Stöß. In 1909 came the break: The board was responsible for listening to his car at races no longer occupied the top places. The contractor left the settlement of 20,000 Reichsmark company he founded.
Horch was now even more gas. In a former woodworking factory - within sight of the first workplace - the smart designer founded on 16 July 1909, August Horch Automotive GmbH with registered capital of 200,000 Reichsmark. A legal dispute over the own name Horch lost to his former company. Random House was in Zwickau its shareholder Franz Fikentscher the World Brand "Audi" was born - the Latin translation of "listening": Not as Horch wrote in his memoir, the son of the landlord, but by his Latin teacher.
rally victories and left-hand drive: Zwickau Audi works on the fast track
The Audi brand was once for quality, luxury and technological progress. Zwickau in 1910, won the Swedish reliability test, the rally of the Gau Saxony and Dresden mountain road test. August Horch in 1911 won himself in an Audi 10/28 hp Type B, the Austrian Alpine Rally. As a member of the Audi factory team Horch won the 10/28 PS (1912) and the new 14/35 hp (1913, 1914) each of the team's victory, and thanks to this triples the Alpine Challenge Trophy. The return trip in late June 1914 after Zwickau impressed the genius car manufacturers:
"In Zwickau they had not endured with impatience already in Neudeck in Bohemia came to meet us the first car, and there was a storm of welcome. When we got to Aue to the Ore Mountains, stood on the large space inside the town a huge number of cars, and again it was a huge and warm welcome, and in a true triumph, it went through snow mountain to Zwickau. "
In The festivities burst the way the news of the assassination in Sarajevo triggered the First World War.
1920 Audi chose from left switch to right-hand drive - a ground-breaking innovation. This was overtaking by the better insight into oncoming traffic safer and have the will shift lever and hand brake in the middle of the vehicle moved. This reorganization was years ahead of its competitors, Audi. Zwickau grew into a center of innovation approach in the German automotive industry. End of the 1930s were 20 percent of all new cars from the West-Saxon industrial city.
Depression: Association of the famous four rings
took over in 1928 the Dane Jørgen Skafte Rasmussen of DKW in Zschopau's largest motorcycle manufacturer in the world, made the financially troubled Audi plant. Under the pressure of declining sales figures in 1932 were joined by Audi, Horch, DKW and the automotive department of Wanderer using the Saxon State Bank to form Auto Union AG, located in Chemnitz together - the second largest German car manufacturer! Hallmark of the car-multinationals, the four interlocked rings, symbolizing the unity of the companies. August Horch was one from 1933 to the Supervisory Board.
Audi sold from now on sporty and elegant middle-and upper-class models. Horch, which had originally been working on a merger with Daimler-Benz, focused on luxury cars such as the twelve-cylinder 670th At the Berlin Motor Show 1939, the company presented the 930 S is a according to the knowledge of aerodynamics crafted streamlined vehicle. An unusual detail of this Horch car was an outboard on the passenger side, pull-out sink with running hot and cold water. "Silver Arrow" racing cars from Auto Union, built in Zwickau Horch factory, afforded duels with the Silver Arrows of Mercedes-Benz. At the wheel of the Saxons were driving racing legends like Hans Stuck and Bernd Rosemeyer. 2009 was in Caramel (California), a silver arrow from Zwickau type D for eight million dollars for the auction.
"Audi-Horch" between adoration and contempt
1920, the "Audi-Horch" - that he signed letters - pulled out of the current fiscal and the West Saxons: "The reason was simple: I wanted to get away from Zwickau . I had during the war, an extraordinary amount of work for industry and especially for the Audi works abroad must, above all, very often I had been in Berlin, and now I wanted to move to Berlin. There suggested the strong heart of the empire, there was the source, there were the choices, I wanted to be at the source. I could be there for the automotive industry and my company operate very differently than in breast-Zwickau. " In the capital, he worked as an automotive expert and held various honorary positions.
Zwickau, August Horch in 1939 awarded the honorary citizenship. Before that, a street was named after him, "On 28 June 1934 had told me the city of Zwickau, that it intended to rename the street Crimmitschauer in August-Horch-Strasse. My name is with the city of Zwickau, and the local car industry inextricably linked. I would have put the founding of the two works Horch and Audi, the automobile industry to Zwickau, and for this the city would be grateful. The letter goes on to state that the products of both firms stood not only in the kingdom, but also in the world in high esteem. I was proud of this honor. "
After the war, fled with the Jewish Horch Else Kolmar before the Red Army after Münchberg. The former opera singer was nurse his late wife in 1946. When trying to save, in Zwickau remaining possessions and take to Upper Franconia, Kolmar woman was arrested. In 1948 she married the aged Horch. His life in Münchberg he spent in modest circumstances. Two world wars, inflation, global economic crisis and tragedy, like the costly care of his first wife left, his life there be no wealth. After all: his newly founded company in West Germany got in touch with him, invited him and helped him to some extent, financially.
be particularly bad reception Horch defamation of the SED. She asked him to join the Nazi Party and support the war economy. The smear campaign culminated in the back naming the Zwickau August-Horch-Strasse. The withdrawal of the honorary citizenship was denied by the resistance of the population. The age of 82 he died in February 1951 in Münchberg. In 2000, Horch, who stands in a row with the name of Porsche, Daimler and Benz and reportedly never had a driver's license into the Automotive Hall of Fame in Detroit (USA) added.
Audis new beginning after 1945: Zwickau reconstruction aid for the West
dismantled after the Second World War, the Soviet occupation forces from Reparationsgründen parts of the Zwickau plant facilities. The Saxon Auto Union migrated to the West and in 1949 re-established in Ingolstadt. The population of the center of the auto and oil industry rose to over 120,000 (2005) and has tripled compared to the pre-war (Ingolstadt 1939 had about 35,000 inhabitants, Zwickau then 85,000). there will be settlements with the vernacular name "Little Zwickau" and "small-Chemnitz" created - Many engineers settled on. Late 1950s, Daimler Benz took over the company in the mid-1960s, the Volkswagen AG. Merged in 1969 with the four rings of Audi NSU AG NSU Auto Union AG, based in Neckarsulm. A little later the slogan "Vorsprung durch Technik" was introduced. Since 1985, the company trades as Audi, Seat was Ingolstadt. Audi 1986 wrote advertising history: The wheel model "Quattro" went for a television spot up a Finnish ski jump.
was 2008, sales of the Audi Group's EUR 34.2 billion. Zwickau that one day as a factory site in the annual report emerges is unlikely. But hope dies last: On the occasion of the 100th Audi anniversary in 2009 the then Minister of Saxony said Thomas Jurk (SPD), August Horch in Zwickau had laid the foundation for today's successful Autoland Saxony (VW, BMW, Porsche). The Free State would also like Audi rolled out the red carpet. A public discussion at this time of the Renaissance brand "car Union "for the Audi's parent Volkswagen and Porsche Jurk commented by saying," But only with headquarters in Saxony "
anniversary" 100 Years of Audi ". Zwickau stood in the shadow of Ingolstadt
its 100th Audi birthday celebrated with a ceremony opened by Chancellor Angela Merkel in Ingolstadt. Prime Minister of Saxony Stanislaw Tillich and his predecessor Kurt Biedenkopf criticized the choice of venue. "I would have celebrated in place of Angela Merkel's 100-year anniversary of Audi in Zwickau ', Biedenkopf said at a panel discussion in Dresden. It states that it is a "typical example" of lack of Awareness that the GDR has unwittingly and forcibly made an extraordinary contribution to the development of West Germany. "Without the German division of Saxony would now be a leading German business location. Biedenkopf repeated his criticism of Audi in the ARD talkshow "hard but fair" before an audience of millions.
Also in the ad campaigns with the slogan "100 years ahead through technology," Zwickau played no role. Nevertheless, it was also celebrated at the cradle of world brand: with a party at the place of international friendship, where in the 1930 Auto Union presented the riders after their successes cars, and a rally where 100 classic cars 100 kilometers Vogtland rolled.
luxury, leather, saloons: Audi Zwickau maintains its tradition
there since 1993 in Zwickau, where August Horch lived 16 years, again a street named after him. 2004, to mark "100 years of car manufacturing in the economic region of Chemnitz-Zwickau", opened in the heart of the former Audi works the August Horch Museum. Winners are the city of Zwickau and Audi AG. The museum on the Audi Strasse 7 is an anchor point on the European Route of Industrial Heritage, a network of key sites of industrial heritage. 2006, the year the World Cup, was the establishment of a Zwickauer of 365 varieties of the "Germany - Land of Ideas ". On the A4 and A72 show signs point to this landmark of Saxony's industrial history. They show a Horch 350 of 1929 and the office building with the historic Audi logo. As the state of Saxony a reorganization of the museum world took into account in order to better distribute tourism lighthouses on the regions to Zwickau in 2002 was hoping for a move of the Dresden Transport Museum - but in vain, it remained in the state capital.
The car is maintained tradition with the annual "Sachsen Classic, one of the greatest classic car rallies in Germany. Lovers of historic vehicles to compare with the Italian racing classic "Mille Miglia (" thousand miles "). The MDR-TV reported in features with titles like "luxury, leather, sedan" or "luxury on four wheels" from the race, which normally runs between Zwickau and Dresden. 2009, the station broadcasts as part of its series "History of Middle Germany" a 45-minute episode, called "August Horch - A life on four wheels" from. Zwickau was a freight forwarder in 2011 his truck having a Europe on the move, smooth by promoting the Horch Museum.
- August Horch: I built cars. From the blacksmith's apprentice for auto industrialists (Published: August Horch Museum Zwickau gGmbH)
- Hermann Golle: Saxony reconstruction aid for the West, in: Dam, Rocco / Hull, Marco / Herring, Lutz: Highlights from Saxony (Hohenheim Verlag)
- Rüdiger Fikentscher: between King and Bebel. German stories from two centuries (Hohenheim Verlag)
Pattycake Online Member Area
The advertising star Zwickau and the "greatest solos of all time"
In ABC Zwickau is back, but just so far on the popularity of the advertising agencies forward. Because Z is the last letter in the alphabet, the name of Zwickau is often used for word games. The classic is "From A to Z Aachen Zwickau. From Zwickau suburb Wilkau-Haßlau and his West Saxon dialect of the world giant Microsoft was done. He turned then a commercial for an IT initiative. Also, the manufacturer Haribo gummy bears made Wilkau-Haßlau an advertising venue.
"From A to Z Aachen Zwickau"
The power provider Yello sent postcards with the heading "Yellow power from Aachen to Zwickau to its customers. The automobile club ADAC applied the diversity his city plan program this way: "Stop the fumble! Now there are over 800 maps and atlases from the city of ADAC. . From Aachen to Zwickau "The German Post wrote on full-page ads, such as" Spiegel "and" Focus ":" From Aachen to Zwickau, "made Vodafone on posters with the slogan" from the holm to pasture Browse from A to Z "on its navigation systems carefully. Aachen and rose to Zwickau out of a large conglomeration of small and thin printed street names. The car rental company Avis Zwickau arranged even in a global context: "From Antigua to Zambia, from Adelaide to Zwickau. Wherever your golf course is -. We are here for you "
Journalists, publishers and PR professionals to use this style element. The show newspaper headlines the species from Aachen to Zwickau: How expensive is living in Germany "and titles such as" 1,000 tips for away games. From Aachen to Zwickau. The Harenberg-Verlag has created for 2010 and 2011, a witty Germany Calendar for hanging or displaying. Under the theme "Amazing Stories from Aachen to Zwickau" will be presented at the Abreißblättern day German quirks and oddities. The airport Dresden International announced the landing of Father Christmas. In a press release founded the bearded red cloak, why he switched from the reindeer on the air: "If the children in Dresden lunch, the little ones in America are still asleep. So I fly once around the world and can visit all the children one by one -. From A Adelaide to Z Zwickau "
The Zwickau stage actor Tom Keune (! A native of Aachen) in 2011 on television, the advertising face of the supermarket chain Edeka . When asked a customer "Why is everything so cheap here?" Keune contends that a somewhat quirky seller in a white coat is: "Because we buy large quantities." He continued: "Our shopping cart. maximum storage space, minimum consumption"
promoted world giant Microsoft with West Saxon accent
In the 30 Microsoft-Spot-second for a "IT Fitness Initiative, which was shown on German television in 2008, played a student from Zwickau Vielau in the lead role. The 18-year-old raced on their own scooters restored over the pedestrian bridge Wiha product "(" LKAU Wi- Ha ßlau - since with u ns k a t Run "), which spans the river Mulde. Also on the home computer, the young woman was filmed. Not only their pert smile, and her sweet Zwickau had Saxon sympathetic to the viewers: "For de Orbeit would I somewhere in Saxony drag, Nuesch necessarily Noah Berlin or Munich." Was also for the accompanying print campaign Azubine model. She was the advertising strategist of the software giant in a computer course in a Zwickau technology center noticed.
Haribo makes children happy - and Tommi Zwickau as
2008 applied to the resident in-Wilkau Haßlau Haribo Group under the slogan "I am a Saxon - Silk solidarity, eat more gold bears" his fruit gums. The poster viewers learned from Beitext that left twelve million daily, the Haribo gummy bears Wesa GmbH in Zwickau suburb. Want to bet that knew Haribo advertising star Thomas Gottschalk this work when he donated his 2001 earned in an RTL-money quiz show profit calculated to Zwickau? The popular leader was then a guest in the celebrity edition of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." "What refers to both an animal and a plant" He made it to the one-million-mark question, and could choose from these possible answers: A: water lily, B: Sea Lion, C: sea cucumber, D: starfish.
14 million viewers - which corresponded to a record-breaking market share of 50 percent - waited anxiously for the answer. But both fit Gottschalk and his phone joker, Florian Langenscheidt Publishers, had. The correct answer was: water lily. The profit, after all, 500,000 D-Mark doubled, Thomas Gottschalk with the proceeds from his hit parade success "What happened to rock 'n' roll." The million he donated to the "integrative workshops" in Zwickau. The Bild newspaper then wrote about 'the greatest solos of all time ". Gottschalk said in an interview: "I wanted to do something very specifically in a small town in the east, because I have a feeling that there fluppt still not what it should actually Flupp eleven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I have the impression that people in the east still have many things in the cold ... I would rather pay for a home for disabled people in the east as a freeway in the West. "
There are other connections between Zwickau and Thomas Gottschalk. In the film comedy "Trabant Goes to Hollywood" in 1991, he played the lead role, the inventor of "Gunther Schmidt". 2009 hosted the show master in Ingolstadt Gala for the 100th Anniversary of the Audi car brand founded in Zwickau and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the festival for the 20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall fell. Thither went Gottschalk in Zwickau two-stroke after on his show "Wetten, dass." had lost a bet. Even a flat tire could not hold up Gottschalk on the way from Brunswick to the capital. And, as several media unanimously reported, Gottschalk was planning a visit in 2009 in Zwickau wafers monastery where he wanted to meet a monk or ex-schoolmates. Star said the advertising out of hand - supposedly because of a Haribo appointment.
2001 Zwickau center of the further RTL-game show with Günther Jauch. In the "10-million-SKL Show", a kind of infomercial for a South German lottery had the candidate put their fate in hands of celebrities. It messed up the well-read literary critic Hellmuth Karasek one of the participants the chance of a high D-Mark-profit. The professor was asked where the Sachsenring Trabant automobile plants produced. He moved seriously into Thuringia, Eisenach, East Germany where the second-Volkswagen "Wartburg" was. The candidate is different from, the mockery of the media was certainly Karasek.
"I'm Zwickau" image campaign for a stronger sense of community
© |
"From A to Z Aachen Zwickau"
The power provider Yello sent postcards with the heading "Yellow power from Aachen to Zwickau to its customers. The automobile club ADAC applied the diversity his city plan program this way: "Stop the fumble! Now there are over 800 maps and atlases from the city of ADAC. . From Aachen to Zwickau "The German Post wrote on full-page ads, such as" Spiegel "and" Focus ":" From Aachen to Zwickau, "made Vodafone on posters with the slogan" from the holm to pasture Browse from A to Z "on its navigation systems carefully. Aachen and rose to Zwickau out of a large conglomeration of small and thin printed street names. The car rental company Avis Zwickau arranged even in a global context: "From Antigua to Zambia, from Adelaide to Zwickau. Wherever your golf course is -. We are here for you "
Journalists, publishers and PR professionals to use this style element. The show newspaper headlines the species from Aachen to Zwickau: How expensive is living in Germany "and titles such as" 1,000 tips for away games. From Aachen to Zwickau. The Harenberg-Verlag has created for 2010 and 2011, a witty Germany Calendar for hanging or displaying. Under the theme "Amazing Stories from Aachen to Zwickau" will be presented at the Abreißblättern day German quirks and oddities. The airport Dresden International announced the landing of Father Christmas. In a press release founded the bearded red cloak, why he switched from the reindeer on the air: "If the children in Dresden lunch, the little ones in America are still asleep. So I fly once around the world and can visit all the children one by one -. From A Adelaide to Z Zwickau "
The Zwickau stage actor Tom Keune (! A native of Aachen) in 2011 on television, the advertising face of the supermarket chain Edeka . When asked a customer "Why is everything so cheap here?" Keune contends that a somewhat quirky seller in a white coat is: "Because we buy large quantities." He continued: "Our shopping cart. maximum storage space, minimum consumption"
promoted world giant Microsoft with West Saxon accent
In the 30 Microsoft-Spot-second for a "IT Fitness Initiative, which was shown on German television in 2008, played a student from Zwickau Vielau in the lead role. The 18-year-old raced on their own scooters restored over the pedestrian bridge Wiha product "(" LKAU Wi- Ha ßlau - since with u ns k a t Run "), which spans the river Mulde. Also on the home computer, the young woman was filmed. Not only their pert smile, and her sweet Zwickau had Saxon sympathetic to the viewers: "For de Orbeit would I somewhere in Saxony drag, Nuesch necessarily Noah Berlin or Munich." Was also for the accompanying print campaign Azubine model. She was the advertising strategist of the software giant in a computer course in a Zwickau technology center noticed.
Haribo makes children happy - and Tommi Zwickau as
2008 applied to the resident in-Wilkau Haßlau Haribo Group under the slogan "I am a Saxon - Silk solidarity, eat more gold bears" his fruit gums. The poster viewers learned from Beitext that left twelve million daily, the Haribo gummy bears Wesa GmbH in Zwickau suburb. Want to bet that knew Haribo advertising star Thomas Gottschalk this work when he donated his 2001 earned in an RTL-money quiz show profit calculated to Zwickau? The popular leader was then a guest in the celebrity edition of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." "What refers to both an animal and a plant" He made it to the one-million-mark question, and could choose from these possible answers: A: water lily, B: Sea Lion, C: sea cucumber, D: starfish.
14 million viewers - which corresponded to a record-breaking market share of 50 percent - waited anxiously for the answer. But both fit Gottschalk and his phone joker, Florian Langenscheidt Publishers, had. The correct answer was: water lily. The profit, after all, 500,000 D-Mark doubled, Thomas Gottschalk with the proceeds from his hit parade success "What happened to rock 'n' roll." The million he donated to the "integrative workshops" in Zwickau. The Bild newspaper then wrote about 'the greatest solos of all time ". Gottschalk said in an interview: "I wanted to do something very specifically in a small town in the east, because I have a feeling that there fluppt still not what it should actually Flupp eleven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I have the impression that people in the east still have many things in the cold ... I would rather pay for a home for disabled people in the east as a freeway in the West. "
There are other connections between Zwickau and Thomas Gottschalk. In the film comedy "Trabant Goes to Hollywood" in 1991, he played the lead role, the inventor of "Gunther Schmidt". 2009 hosted the show master in Ingolstadt Gala for the 100th Anniversary of the Audi car brand founded in Zwickau and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the festival for the 20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall fell. Thither went Gottschalk in Zwickau two-stroke after on his show "Wetten, dass." had lost a bet. Even a flat tire could not hold up Gottschalk on the way from Brunswick to the capital. And, as several media unanimously reported, Gottschalk was planning a visit in 2009 in Zwickau wafers monastery where he wanted to meet a monk or ex-schoolmates. Star said the advertising out of hand - supposedly because of a Haribo appointment.
2001 Zwickau center of the further RTL-game show with Günther Jauch. In the "10-million-SKL Show", a kind of infomercial for a South German lottery had the candidate put their fate in hands of celebrities. It messed up the well-read literary critic Hellmuth Karasek one of the participants the chance of a high D-Mark-profit. The professor was asked where the Sachsenring Trabant automobile plants produced. He moved seriously into Thuringia, Eisenach, East Germany where the second-Volkswagen "Wartburg" was. The candidate is different from, the mockery of the media was certainly Karasek.
"I'm Zwickau" image campaign for a stronger sense of community
Gerhard Neef from the agency "Comedia Concept" introduced in 2003 to the present ongoing campaign "I am Zwickau" or "We are Zwickau. They should help the weak more to promote local pride and the expandable team spirit. Previous faces of this action were the band "Black Gown Five" (SK5), theater actor Bernd Gonsi that Volksmusikduo Gitte and Klaus, the artist and long-time artistic director of the Zwickau Lindenhof-variety shows, Günther Groicher, three young people find cars of the types of listening, Trabant VW Passat, a VW Golf with a car manufacturer, a baby and the Robert Schuman monument. With the motifs are occupied in the urban area not leased advertising space. A possible new candidate for this poster series is the "gold finger" famous actor Gert Frobe Zwickau.
Cervix Mucus Was Thick And Now Its Dry
March 2011 February 2011
changes in the city!
new leading candidate of the SPD in Schleswig-Holstein
The Lord Mayor of Kiel Torsten Albig was elected with a clear majority. (Scroll down)
Info HERE under November 2010 he was introduced on this blog.
---------------- The old Störbrücke currently being dismantled. A short report with many photos lower r Ditt and Datt .
What was here for a "ditch" on 20 February photographed in 2011?
If I did not betray it, no one would know for sure. It is the sturgeon - the source area of the sturgeon.
The interference arises from Willi degrees (near Neumünster) in the district of Segeberg.
The plan: a 87 km long river is on a "Störseite" presented on this blog be. The course, tributaries, and land and its people will be in a photo and Videodokumentatin in a short time to be found in the immediate vicinity of the River.
The sturgeon in Itzehoe
17.2. Carnival in elementary school
More images from this colorful event on the school page
Annual Meeting of the FFW Hohenaspe at 25.2.
more photos and information from the meeting under "actions of the FFW Hohenaspe"

---------------- The old Störbrücke currently being dismantled. A short report with many photos lower r Ditt and Datt .

What was here for a "ditch" on 20 February photographed in 2011?
If I did not betray it, no one would know for sure. It is the sturgeon - the source area of the sturgeon.

17.2. Carnival in elementary school

----------------------- --------------------
From the police report:
Hohenaspe: Burglary in body
- Unknown broke out between Sunday, 13/02 (17 clock) and. Tuesday, 15.02. (10.40 clock) to a body shop in Espenweg standing one. The offenders stole a drill. Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
Hohenaspe: Burglary in body
- Unknown broke out between Sunday, 13/02 (17 clock) and. Tuesday, 15.02. (10.40 clock) to a body shop in Espenweg standing one. The offenders stole a drill. Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
falls in volunteer fire departments in Hohenaspe and Hohenlockstedt
Hohenaspe: Unknown levered between Saturday 12.2. (19 clock) and Tuesday 15.2. (9 clock) a rear window of the building in the sand road to the FFW Hohenaspe. The offenders stole a vehicle from two new chain saws and a new emergency generator. These
The new Stihl chain saws they are fabrications and the new emergency power generator (color: yellow) is a brand of the company Endress. The value of the Stehlgutes is around 3,000 euros.
Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
The new Stihl chain saws they are fabrications and the new emergency power generator (color: yellow) is a brand of the company Endress. The value of the Stehlgutes is around 3,000 euros.
Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
News from the Cooking Club Hohenaspe HERE
Hohenaspe presented citizens:

Carsten Hickey lives since 2008 in Hohenaspe and is a member of the band "The Stray", but they can tell him yourself:
Good day - as discussed here some information about the stray dogs and me:
Originally I'm from the blade and blade city Solingen, from the hilly countryside. My life took me to Cologne, Paderborn and Mönchengladbach to Hohenaspe. There I live with my wife Maren since December 2008 in the beautiful views. My wife is from Wacken and therefore wanted to return to the north - move - closer to the family.
In December 2009, we first have a baby: Johanna Sophia.
I like it here in the north really good. I like the mentality, the landscape and the relative proximity to the North and Baltic Sea, and of course the City of Hamburg. My father grew up as a refugee in Pomeranian Nortorf (at Neumünster) and so I had numerous visits to my grandparents' North German style "not foreign. This has probably also helped that I've settled in quickly here.
I am a banker and had a master's degree (MA) in sociology, information science and sports science. In July 2007 I received a doctorate in information science and has since allowed the title of Dr. phil. . Who Since 1998 I play in the medieval band "The Stray" at numerous events across the DACH region (Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Italy (Tyrol), etc.). The stray
play as a medieval music group on medieval markets, castle festivals, medieval games, banquets, private parties and corporate events. We play songs from 6 centuries. Among them are old folk tunes, drink & Rauf songs, drinking songs & Pfaff. Our press release is the as follows:. "The five-piece band offers their rousing performance and its inventive arrangements, the instrumentation consists of two sounds, a cittern and 2 fiddle In historic costume offered a traditional medieval folk Their lyrics range from the heretical.. to the Romantic, the dissolute to
humorous - not to act it simply by drinking. ! Join in the festivities is encouraged "
more information and pictures of the band and the appearance dates can be found at:
Photo .
from 2.13
from 2.13

Visit the Free virtual art galleries -.. Info on Ditt and Datt
annual meeting of rural women HERE
storms and large amounts of rainfall in recent days caused a lot of damage.
Ta ta! Today it is the 100,000 visitors give this blog.
In the book "Travel Pictures circular stone fortress" by Werner Scharnweber is in the edition of 2006 fountain in Hohenaspe described were
There really are people who have traveled to visit the "fountain" and in restaurant in the village asked where this historic place was found. Who knows the place in the community knows how sad the sight of this pump is actually fake. to make an application to the council to appreciate this investment in one handsome and transform particular functioning well, is experience, futile

The idea:
Let us a Cultural Association Hohenaspe Area based on its approach to include such "problems" in the village.
This association could organize music events, readings, films, theater performances and much more and . Offer Your idea is appreciated!
Eating together at 4.2. in the guest house in autumn Drage
pastor's wife Warnke all volunteers had invited the St. Michael's Church community for a small celebration. Info HERE

NEW press release HERE
NEW press release HERE
Erfurt and Itzehoe, 3 February 2011.
photos from the 3rd February, where there was even the sun
most dangerous after the second ice February is getting warmer and so it has for some kids immediately started the scooter season.
on the color "deep green" we have to wait a bit longer, unless we not only decorative, but also vitamin-giving herbs, as seen here in a second window at the sports ground

mail from Google:
with this blog, you have 1 GB (100%) of free space occupied.
with this blog, you have 1 GB (100%) of free space occupied.
Meaning, if I would like to invite other photos on the blog, I have to pay for it annually. Since I am already at Flickr I bought me the "fun" is too expensive. On this blog I deserve nothing. Of course, I could advertise. At about 133 visitors a day, the blog would ensure self-financing. However, it is unbearable for me personally wegzuschalten on a website advertising the first before you can read a text.
There would still be the solution to delete old pages, then the blog would have capacity again free. Your opinion counts.
greeting Maike Dudde maike.dudde (at)
There would still be the solution to delete old pages, then the blog would have capacity again free. Your opinion counts.
greeting Maike Dudde maike.dudde (at)
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