- Reagan was a boastful, irresponsible ideologue
- Ronald Reagan tripled in a short time the national debt
- Reagan's economic policies produced stagflation and monetary crises
- Reagan lowered taxes for the rich and it increased for the rest
- Reagan did all to enlarge the expensive, military-industrial complex
- Reagan failed in the control and reduction of the arms race
- Reagan's role in dealing with dictatorships, was if anything: negative
- Reagan supplied both Iran and Iraq with weapons ...
- Reagan lowered the prosperity of his country - the wage median fell
- The Reagansche Staatsparadox: While Reagan jazzed to pay the state up, diminishing the utility of the state for citizens
- Under Reagan prospered political corruption and elite favored
- Reagan often acted protectionism - against the free movement of goods
- The effects of "Reaganomics" America burden today
D ie spinning the Americans. More specifically, the right political block spins in the USA.
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