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"From A to Z Aachen Zwickau"
The power provider Yello sent postcards with the heading "Yellow power from Aachen to Zwickau to its customers. The automobile club ADAC applied the diversity his city plan program this way: "Stop the fumble! Now there are over 800 maps and atlases from the city of ADAC. . From Aachen to Zwickau "The German Post wrote on full-page ads, such as" Spiegel "and" Focus ":" From Aachen to Zwickau, "made Vodafone on posters with the slogan" from the holm to pasture Browse from A to Z "on its navigation systems carefully. Aachen and rose to Zwickau out of a large conglomeration of small and thin printed street names. The car rental company Avis Zwickau arranged even in a global context: "From Antigua to Zambia, from Adelaide to Zwickau. Wherever your golf course is -. We are here for you "
Journalists, publishers and PR professionals to use this style element. The show newspaper headlines the species from Aachen to Zwickau: How expensive is living in Germany "and titles such as" 1,000 tips for away games. From Aachen to Zwickau. The Harenberg-Verlag has created for 2010 and 2011, a witty Germany Calendar for hanging or displaying. Under the theme "Amazing Stories from Aachen to Zwickau" will be presented at the Abreißblättern day German quirks and oddities. The airport Dresden International announced the landing of Father Christmas. In a press release founded the bearded red cloak, why he switched from the reindeer on the air: "If the children in Dresden lunch, the little ones in America are still asleep. So I fly once around the world and can visit all the children one by one -. From A Adelaide to Z Zwickau "
The Zwickau stage actor Tom Keune (! A native of Aachen) in 2011 on television, the advertising face of the supermarket chain Edeka . When asked a customer "Why is everything so cheap here?" Keune contends that a somewhat quirky seller in a white coat is: "Because we buy large quantities." He continued: "Our shopping cart. maximum storage space, minimum consumption"
promoted world giant Microsoft with West Saxon accent
In the 30 Microsoft-Spot-second for a "IT Fitness Initiative, which was shown on German television in 2008, played a student from Zwickau Vielau in the lead role. The 18-year-old raced on their own scooters restored over the pedestrian bridge Wiha product "(" LKAU Wi- Ha ßlau - since with u ns k a t Run "), which spans the river Mulde. Also on the home computer, the young woman was filmed. Not only their pert smile, and her sweet Zwickau had Saxon sympathetic to the viewers: "For de Orbeit would I somewhere in Saxony drag, Nuesch necessarily Noah Berlin or Munich." Was also for the accompanying print campaign Azubine model. She was the advertising strategist of the software giant in a computer course in a Zwickau technology center noticed.
Haribo makes children happy - and Tommi Zwickau as
2008 applied to the resident in-Wilkau Haßlau Haribo Group under the slogan "I am a Saxon - Silk solidarity, eat more gold bears" his fruit gums. The poster viewers learned from Beitext that left twelve million daily, the Haribo gummy bears Wesa GmbH in Zwickau suburb. Want to bet that knew Haribo advertising star Thomas Gottschalk this work when he donated his 2001 earned in an RTL-money quiz show profit calculated to Zwickau? The popular leader was then a guest in the celebrity edition of "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." "What refers to both an animal and a plant" He made it to the one-million-mark question, and could choose from these possible answers: A: water lily, B: Sea Lion, C: sea cucumber, D: starfish.
14 million viewers - which corresponded to a record-breaking market share of 50 percent - waited anxiously for the answer. But both fit Gottschalk and his phone joker, Florian Langenscheidt Publishers, had. The correct answer was: water lily. The profit, after all, 500,000 D-Mark doubled, Thomas Gottschalk with the proceeds from his hit parade success "What happened to rock 'n' roll." The million he donated to the "integrative workshops" in Zwickau. The Bild newspaper then wrote about 'the greatest solos of all time ". Gottschalk said in an interview: "I wanted to do something very specifically in a small town in the east, because I have a feeling that there fluppt still not what it should actually Flupp eleven years after the fall of the Berlin Wall. I have the impression that people in the east still have many things in the cold ... I would rather pay for a home for disabled people in the east as a freeway in the West. "
There are other connections between Zwickau and Thomas Gottschalk. In the film comedy "Trabant Goes to Hollywood" in 1991, he played the lead role, the inventor of "Gunther Schmidt". 2009 hosted the show master in Ingolstadt Gala for the 100th Anniversary of the Audi car brand founded in Zwickau and the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin, the festival for the 20th Anniversary of the Berlin Wall fell. Thither went Gottschalk in Zwickau two-stroke after on his show "Wetten, dass." had lost a bet. Even a flat tire could not hold up Gottschalk on the way from Brunswick to the capital. And, as several media unanimously reported, Gottschalk was planning a visit in 2009 in Zwickau wafers monastery where he wanted to meet a monk or ex-schoolmates. Star said the advertising out of hand - supposedly because of a Haribo appointment.
2001 Zwickau center of the further RTL-game show with Günther Jauch. In the "10-million-SKL Show", a kind of infomercial for a South German lottery had the candidate put their fate in hands of celebrities. It messed up the well-read literary critic Hellmuth Karasek one of the participants the chance of a high D-Mark-profit. The professor was asked where the Sachsenring Trabant automobile plants produced. He moved seriously into Thuringia, Eisenach, East Germany where the second-Volkswagen "Wartburg" was. The candidate is different from, the mockery of the media was certainly Karasek.
"I'm Zwickau" image campaign for a stronger sense of community
Gerhard Neef from the agency "Comedia Concept" introduced in 2003 to the present ongoing campaign "I am Zwickau" or "We are Zwickau. They should help the weak more to promote local pride and the expandable team spirit. Previous faces of this action were the band "Black Gown Five" (SK5), theater actor Bernd Gonsi that Volksmusikduo Gitte and Klaus, the artist and long-time artistic director of the Zwickau Lindenhof-variety shows, Günther Groicher, three young people find cars of the types of listening, Trabant VW Passat, a VW Golf with a car manufacturer, a baby and the Robert Schuman monument. With the motifs are occupied in the urban area not leased advertising space. A possible new candidate for this poster series is the "gold finger" famous actor Gert Frobe Zwickau.
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