changes in the city!
new leading candidate of the SPD in Schleswig-Holstein
The Lord Mayor of Kiel Torsten Albig was elected with a clear majority. (Scroll down)
Info HERE under November 2010 he was introduced on this blog.
---------------- The old Störbrücke currently being dismantled. A short report with many photos lower r Ditt and Datt .
What was here for a "ditch" on 20 February photographed in 2011?
If I did not betray it, no one would know for sure. It is the sturgeon - the source area of the sturgeon.
The interference arises from Willi degrees (near Neumünster) in the district of Segeberg.
The plan: a 87 km long river is on a "Störseite" presented on this blog be. The course, tributaries, and land and its people will be in a photo and Videodokumentatin in a short time to be found in the immediate vicinity of the River.
The sturgeon in Itzehoe
17.2. Carnival in elementary school
More images from this colorful event on the school page
Annual Meeting of the FFW Hohenaspe at 25.2.
more photos and information from the meeting under "actions of the FFW Hohenaspe"

---------------- The old Störbrücke currently being dismantled. A short report with many photos lower r Ditt and Datt .

What was here for a "ditch" on 20 February photographed in 2011?
If I did not betray it, no one would know for sure. It is the sturgeon - the source area of the sturgeon.

17.2. Carnival in elementary school

----------------------- --------------------
From the police report:
Hohenaspe: Burglary in body
- Unknown broke out between Sunday, 13/02 (17 clock) and. Tuesday, 15.02. (10.40 clock) to a body shop in Espenweg standing one. The offenders stole a drill. Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
Hohenaspe: Burglary in body
- Unknown broke out between Sunday, 13/02 (17 clock) and. Tuesday, 15.02. (10.40 clock) to a body shop in Espenweg standing one. The offenders stole a drill. Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
falls in volunteer fire departments in Hohenaspe and Hohenlockstedt
Hohenaspe: Unknown levered between Saturday 12.2. (19 clock) and Tuesday 15.2. (9 clock) a rear window of the building in the sand road to the FFW Hohenaspe. The offenders stole a vehicle from two new chain saws and a new emergency generator. These
The new Stihl chain saws they are fabrications and the new emergency power generator (color: yellow) is a brand of the company Endress. The value of the Stehlgutes is around 3,000 euros.
Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
The new Stihl chain saws they are fabrications and the new emergency power generator (color: yellow) is a brand of the company Endress. The value of the Stehlgutes is around 3,000 euros.
Notes to the police station Hohenaspe, Phone 04893/212, or to the police Itzehoe, phone 04821/602-0.
News from the Cooking Club Hohenaspe HERE
Hohenaspe presented citizens:

Carsten Hickey lives since 2008 in Hohenaspe and is a member of the band "The Stray", but they can tell him yourself:
Good day - as discussed here some information about the stray dogs and me:
Originally I'm from the blade and blade city Solingen, from the hilly countryside. My life took me to Cologne, Paderborn and Mönchengladbach to Hohenaspe. There I live with my wife Maren since December 2008 in the beautiful views. My wife is from Wacken and therefore wanted to return to the north - move - closer to the family.
In December 2009, we first have a baby: Johanna Sophia.
I like it here in the north really good. I like the mentality, the landscape and the relative proximity to the North and Baltic Sea, and of course the City of Hamburg. My father grew up as a refugee in Pomeranian Nortorf (at Neumünster) and so I had numerous visits to my grandparents' North German style "not foreign. This has probably also helped that I've settled in quickly here.
I am a banker and had a master's degree (MA) in sociology, information science and sports science. In July 2007 I received a doctorate in information science and has since allowed the title of Dr. phil. . Who Since 1998 I play in the medieval band "The Stray" at numerous events across the DACH region (Germany, Luxembourg, Austria, Switzerland, Italy (Tyrol), etc.). The stray
play as a medieval music group on medieval markets, castle festivals, medieval games, banquets, private parties and corporate events. We play songs from 6 centuries. Among them are old folk tunes, drink & Rauf songs, drinking songs & Pfaff. Our press release is the as follows:. "The five-piece band offers their rousing performance and its inventive arrangements, the instrumentation consists of two sounds, a cittern and 2 fiddle In historic costume offered a traditional medieval folk Their lyrics range from the heretical.. to the Romantic, the dissolute to
humorous - not to act it simply by drinking. ! Join in the festivities is encouraged "
more information and pictures of the band and the appearance dates can be found at:
Photo .
from 2.13
from 2.13

Visit the Free virtual art galleries -.. Info on Ditt and Datt
annual meeting of rural women HERE
storms and large amounts of rainfall in recent days caused a lot of damage.
Ta ta! Today it is the 100,000 visitors give this blog.
In the book "Travel Pictures circular stone fortress" by Werner Scharnweber is in the edition of 2006 fountain in Hohenaspe described were
There really are people who have traveled to visit the "fountain" and in restaurant in the village asked where this historic place was found. Who knows the place in the community knows how sad the sight of this pump is actually fake. to make an application to the council to appreciate this investment in one handsome and transform particular functioning well, is experience, futile

The idea:
Let us a Cultural Association Hohenaspe Area based on its approach to include such "problems" in the village.
This association could organize music events, readings, films, theater performances and much more and . Offer Your idea is appreciated!
Eating together at 4.2. in the guest house in autumn Drage
pastor's wife Warnke all volunteers had invited the St. Michael's Church community for a small celebration. Info HERE

NEW press release HERE
NEW press release HERE
Erfurt and Itzehoe, 3 February 2011.
photos from the 3rd February, where there was even the sun
most dangerous after the second ice February is getting warmer and so it has for some kids immediately started the scooter season.
on the color "deep green" we have to wait a bit longer, unless we not only decorative, but also vitamin-giving herbs, as seen here in a second window at the sports ground

mail from Google:
with this blog, you have 1 GB (100%) of free space occupied.
with this blog, you have 1 GB (100%) of free space occupied.
Meaning, if I would like to invite other photos on the blog, I have to pay for it annually. Since I am already at Flickr I bought me the "fun" is too expensive. On this blog I deserve nothing. Of course, I could advertise. At about 133 visitors a day, the blog would ensure self-financing. However, it is unbearable for me personally wegzuschalten on a website advertising the first before you can read a text.
There would still be the solution to delete old pages, then the blog would have capacity again free. Your opinion counts.
greeting Maike Dudde maike.dudde (at)
There would still be the solution to delete old pages, then the blog would have capacity again free. Your opinion counts.
greeting Maike Dudde maike.dudde (at)
"The problem is first overcome temporarily, a private sponsor who are not named would we call him, then RD, has taken over the bill "
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