Because the site "S o it used " is already fully loaded with memorabilia of old, here is a newly created page
-. "Tradition is not keeping the ashes, but the redistribution of the flame "Thomas More -.
ivy in the symbolism of "Des will not forget"

my confirmation in 1953 Hohenaspe - An article in tidal
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your whole interest of the history of Schleswig-Holstein is connected to the career of Hohenaspe. She has a lot of research in archives and send call-up information. If you visited Ostlandring Schmidt, are always on the table in the living room stack of books, newspaper articles and enter photos, insights into the distant past. The sprightly pensioner (they will be in May 78 years) has done the work and summarized their knowledge in a text. The laptop was broken after a time-honored and so they had to type the text using the typewriter. Last week, Ms. Smith called me and told proudly that it has completed its work and asked me: "What do we do now wife Dudde" The plan -> At this point, is always released a small portion of the term documentary. Every few weeks, a further section of the written text. The entire text can be seen as issue for 8, - € (22 pages) to Ms. Smith or refer me.
Part 14

1923 there were many economic hardships. From the world economic crisis the country was affected. Many farms were burdened with loans and high interest rates, stock markets collapsed. Sold the farm in the morning a cow, he immediately drove with his wife and child to Itzehoe for shopping, because the money lost every day in value. So it was in the millions and billions. The printing presses could hardly meet with the Draw. My grandfather had in his old wallet for a long time which of these big bucks as a souvenir. It formed many parties. There were more fights, not only in the city, even in the villages, even deaths. All factory workers were unemployed - even in the country. 1929 SA marched through the streets, making meetings. This took the Nazis and Adolf Hitler in the lead. In the Reichstag, 31 July NSDAP in Schleswig-Holstein received the most votes. Hitler knew how fast to create work. The work to build service roads and dikes. The factories and many other jobs were back to work. It has been used material. 1933 Adolf Hitler became chancellor. The Nazis destroyed all the offices themselves, who stood in their way, was arrested. Many were imprisoned or went into the many concentration camps. The population was intimidated. Its leaders were appointed and not elected. Everybody was afraid of them. It disappeared again and again people who had said too much and they never came back. The voluntary sports clubs have been occupied by the Nazis. At school some kids were proud of their sport shirts with a big swastika.
The fathers and the young men had every Sunday morning for service. It has marched through the village and sang. So it was compulsory. Hohenaspe was great in it. With 10 years ago it was compulsory to go for girls, young people and young girls in the service. With 14 years in the Hitler Youth, Hitler Youth + BDM.
The sport, the singing and the games have been fun. It no excuse could be missing. There were all recorded. Soon, every week all had to appear in uniform for duty. 1934 caused the country year-homes in the Hohenaspe Pohlmann Park. The girls came out of the cities, they learned from the farmers and household cooking, the young labor service. That was the mandatory year.
all had work.
Third Reich showed his true colors. I remember like today. It must have been 1936th In Hohenaspe was choice. My parents and grandparents did not want to choose from, and they did not agree with much.
They were picked up by taxi. The taxi driver was Hans desert mountain. He has long been persuaded to four, until all are mitgefahren. I stood outside in the yard, in fear that my family did not return. The election result: the Nazis have been re-elected. I know my parents, they chose not. Everything was so taken turns as if all agree with the system.
hingedrillt So was the war. Hohenaspe 1939 had a total of 818 inhabitants, of which 229 are self-employed businessmen and farmers, 207 children.
In September 1939 began World War II. The youth had been so powered-up and wanted to conquer the whole world. The German army invaded Poland, and so it went. Many women Hohenaspe had to manufacture the bicycle after Hohenlockstedt in the guise of ammunition and weapons factory. Our fathers and brothers were soldiers in the world. About us flying enemy planes full of bombs. Whole squadrons, day and night to the big cities to bomb them. The worst were the phosphorus bombs. Those who inhale a little of it went like a living torch through the streets until he dropped dead. To Hohenaspe wounded several planes crashed. My father still had 39 years in the war because he was not a Nazi, all at his age by the Nazis, other items were obtained. For us, school children in the bunker was built in the sand hill at the Church Street where the houses built today are 28 and 30. Although the defeat of the German Reich clearly apparent, many believed to the great victory. Thus our teacher though his son had been killed: How long will our kingdom? One student said 10 years. "Our kingdom will last forever, it is the 1,000 year Reich invincible," said some incredible teachings from him.
Sources: Regional History of Schleswig-Holstein. The Krummendiek of the Church of Bekau.Chronik Hohenaspe.Bauern Bonsen Mehlbek.

on the picture in the middle row left sitting outside: Fehr, Emma * on 14/12/1883 in Mühlenbarbek, she married a native from the 06/06/1911 Hohenaspe, Karl Heinrich Detlev Stöver. The others are her siblings. The relationship to Johann Hinrich Fehrs arises about her grandfather Hans Fehr from Mühlenbarbek. Fehr, Margaret, * 28.9.1830 (sister of Johann Hinrich Fehrs) in Mühlenbarbek, it is the great-great-grandmother of Mark Stoever in Hohenaspe: A granddaughter of Hans Fehr is.
presented Sincerely
Fehr, Hans Hermann Drews
Fehr, Hans Hermann Drews
Karin Reese
Mehlbek from a chronicle of Mühlenabarbek from Fehr-yard available. An interesting documentation of over 300 years history of the village Fehr family whose ancestors are also found in Hohenaspe. The Fehrs belongs to the famous poet Johann Hinrich Fehrs. * 10 April1838 in Mühlenbarbek; † 17 August 1916

Some pages of this chronicle can be viewed here.
Interesting stories about the hungry Wolf (Army) and are over the stock Lockstedter to read it on these pages: HERE or airfield Hohenaspe
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(11/14/2010) Moin woman Dudde
2 images presumably from Hohenaspe. They are probably in the Zusammrnhang about the Schiededem Schiedemeister and wage Drescher Karl Heinrich Detlef Stöver. Sincerely Fehr, Hans Hermann Drews Widemannstr.6, 39 625 HANNOVER 0511-4382002, 0160 -91,087,496 member of the NLF and AKVZ
In Norddeutschl. I look for: Fehr, Rehquate, Schmidt and Lange Hanerau, Aeckerle and lamp Hanerau and Aumühle, Lindemann Hitzhusen, Stöver in Hohenaspe
in Hanover and Lower Saxony, I am looking for: Wedemeyer, Baxmann, Carl, channels, Koenemann, Green Forest, Kiene
A request from Hanover are the pictures of Hohenaspe? Sincerely,
Fehr, Hans Hermann Drews hans.fehrs @
in Hanover and Lower Saxony, I am looking for: Wedemeyer, Baxmann, Carl, channels, Koenemann, Green Forest, Kiene

Fehr, Hans Hermann Drews hans.fehrs @

A request:
Weche of year is the picture?
I think my brother Wilfred Westphalen is there on it, I'm not sure.
Barby Holifield, USA
I think my brother Wilfred Westphalen is there on it, I'm not sure.
Barby Holifield, USA
Hiya, unfortunately clear from the request does not indicate which image they think. Perhaps they could rename it to? With Greetings from Hohenaspe Maike Dudde
photo (Emma Smith), 1960 with Pastor Ketels
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Old postcards from Gerhard Geissler with a view of 1907

Old postcards from Gerhard Geissler with a view of 1907
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Photos of Frank Kunzmann
Back row: Hartig Mr. Christiansen, Frank Kunz, Iris Vandrey, Sönke Martens, Michael Brusco, Diana , Sven sausage,
2.letzte Row from left:?, Anja Hartmann, Alex Kremer, Manuela tin, Dunja Hönck, Jan Hansen
seated from left: Melanie Borgmann, Sabine Wilhelmsen, Nicole Hehr, Sandra Goldschmidt, Kai Tiedgens, Marc Vierus,
front row lr: Jadran Smajila, Anja Egge, Frank Karstens
received mail about the photo "School Trip 1954:
Hi, it's nice a picture out of my school days on the net . see I am born Gunda Schäffler Henning. There is a large parking lot where now, was our house. The following photo:
jISiFOzmQ0I/s1600-h/Schulausflug + about +1954. Jpg I am to see all links. Looking forward to more pictures from old times when I still Hohenaspe (1945 - 1957) lived. Greeting Gunda Schäffler
The "cleaning up" the hard drive I like the old postcard from Mr Tüxen in my hands, I can not remember whether I have been published:
- Confirmation born 1959-60 in September 2010 to celebrate their golden Confirmation Info HERE
- A question by Mr Arnold Carstens: Are there any pictures of the anti-aircraft (in the bunker)?
- A request by Mr. Hofmann from 28.2.2010: Hello Dudde woman ... my mother and her family were driven after the war Hohanaspe. They were housed there in the Schuby-yard (as far as I know) now we want them to surprise their 70th-th birthday and make her a trip to Hohenaspe. I would like to make contact - to, and with people they may could have known. Her name was Helga Wessel / Michael Wessel. It's about the time 1944-1949. Is there an event where the spring is where the village community, then you could perhaps set the date of travel on such.
Hartmut Hofmann
76297 Stutensee
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Photos of Heinz Ahmling

from left to right -> coach Willi Gente, Egon Kunz, reter Ralfs, Ernst Höpig, Dieter Marder, Heinz Ahmling? Kurt Breiholz, Hans Lähn - Supervisor, bottom row: Gunter Hofmann, Manfred Schwarz, Anton Horn, Hans Joachim Lähn?

photos by Gerhard Geissler

From top left: William Genthe, Dietrich Eicke, Peter Ralfs, Heinz Ahmling, Jürgen Ahmling, Jochen Meier, Peter Heumann, Kalli Assmann? , Emil Tiedner, Egon Kunz, Anton Hom, Hans Joachim Lähn and Kurt Breiholz,
SC Hohenaspe I in April 1978 by

top left: Heinz Ahmling, Jürgen Denker, Oliver Fuchs, Holger Döhling, Kurt Lähn, Thomas Fuchs, Hartmut Offt, Anton Horn, Timo Hoffman and Sigge Vandrey.
SC Hohenaspe I point game in Marne 1976

From top left: Anton Horn, Otto Meier, Maxi Schmedtje, Dieter Gladen, Kurt Lähn, Rolf Dieter Wendrich, Jochen Meier, Peter Ralfs, Siggi Vandrey, Peter Otto, Volker Tüxen, Jürgen Denker and Rudolf Muenster.
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A request from Oberhausen:
My name is Karl-Heinz Wenk and I try as much as possible to find out about my ancestors. My grandparents Hermann Heinrich and Anna Margaret Buggenthien Buggenthien were (geb.Locht) from Hohenaspe. My grandfather was born on 22.09.1907 (date of death unknown). My grandmother was born on 5/25/1905 and died on 11/03/1993.

Here is a photo of my grandparents. It was their silver wedding ca.1955/56.
bottom of the left?, Marie Locht, Anna Margarete Buggenthien, Hermann Buggenthien, Christine Otte, Marianne Draba (geb.Buggenthien) with his son Hans-Jürgen.
Above from left Anne Zeidler (born Locht), Elisabeth and Max Otte, Elfriede Locht, Werner Buggenthien (geb.Buggenthien) before Gerda hero? behind it?, Heinrich Buggenthien behind it? (geb.Buggenthien) Helga Küßner, top right? ?.
In this picture you see from left my mother Lisa Wenk (geb.Buggenthien), Werner Buggenthien, my grandparents and front left Karl-Heinz and Reinhard Wenk Wenk. The photo should be ca.von 1955/56. I think that will follow more photos. Until then, greetings from Oberhausen Karl-Heinz Wenk 

postcards that were sent Gerhard Geissler. You are probably in the 50s.
19 years John Hansen (since 31.10. 1983) Mayor of Hohenaspe. With great dedication, he fought for the community. "Hohenaspe will be no sleeping community," was the goal in his term.

health reasons he laid down his office on 03/06/2002. On 08/19/2002 Hansen was named an honorary mayor of Hohenaspe. Hanne Hansen died on 10/11/2002 at 67 years.
In recognition of outstanding contributions to the Local Government John Hansen on 13 October 2000, the Baron von Stein Memorial Medal by Klaus Buss (former interior minister of Schleswig-Holstein) is awarded. article from the North German Radio Show - Hohenaspe is fused with "Hanne". HERE
(the photo was taken in Dec. 1994)
The cover of the pot Kiekens with the March 1997 - submitted by Birigt Schmedtje (the "clicking" enlarge the image )

All employees of the Office 1970 Hohenaspe
From top right: cash manager Karl tail, order office manager Heine Gripp, pensions Rudi Striicker, Treasurer, Vice-LVB + Peter Ralfs, Finance Irmgard Lilienthal, Superintendent Arnold Eggers, Registration Office Gisela Pegtow

photo by Peter Ralfs
excerpt from the chronicle of the time when Peter Ralfs in Hohenaspe office his apprenticeship completed:
The mayor Hohenaspe in recent years were:

Otto Martens 1959 - Rudolf Fock approx 1968 - Otto Ohl office about 9 months - Max Voss - John Hansen - Hans-Georg Wendrich
alumni meeting on 20.9. In 1997 the school graduating classes 1950/51/52
Organized by Christel Deugler born Moller, Anne Marie b. Labrenz Möller, Berta Fock born Harrow, Rudi Fock and Helma Behrens.
Here is the text at that event from the North German's Observations from September
1997 The photos from the event as a slideshow
In the school forest in 1959
teacher Granow next class teacher, (the names with question marks are not known)
front row:
Jörg Böhm,? , Heike Stoever, Thomas Granow, Andreas Dengler, Joerg Schnoor, Axel Lipp, Bernd Krause -? Behind Detlef Kabisch.
back row:
? , Dirk Stahl, Tom Vogt, Marion Black, Knuth Voss? , Holger Reichelt,? .
Voss family picture
parish, church, e-work, school, dairy farm in 1914
Park mansion in 1918
dairy farm, plot of Lauersen, Villa Pohlmann 1917
Gasthof zur Post 1914
Old Mill - now electric Behrens. Links Hans Martens (grandpa by Hans Martens Charlottenburger way) In addition, Friedrich Behrens - Behrens and Katharine. On the box - Johannes Dippner .
1954/55 Heisswecken gamble in the bakery of Long
Hohenaspe The marching band is founded. first members practicing in 1959/60 with Max Müller, Hans Martens, Gerd Laursen, Max Otte, Adolf Peter Mann.
riding ring 1955 the sports field at Hauschild on the farm. By Hans Martens, Willi Dippner, Conrad sense, Hans-Hinrich Horst.
who recognizes himself or others?
dance lesson with Mr. Ruge 1969 at the Hall of Schmedtje
church choir Ms Bassewitz in Drag 1970
Elise Dippner 80 - year
enrollment with Mrs. Wachs 1967
view Kirchenstr corner. Hauptstr. Charlottenburg way ca 1969 (now there is the Raiffeisen Bank)
When beet hoes with Tine Dippner and Grete Hansen
submitted pictures of women Hinz from Hohenaspe.
The singing group "Unity" - 21st Anniversary event July 1957
forging Hennings 1926
old general store - now EDEKA
Here a map of Hohenaspe, designed in 1937 by the teacher as Schmalfeldt and the volunteer fire department was dedicated.
The card is about 0.80m tall and 1.20m times can only partially be shown.
The Legend: green - thatched roof, red tile roof, black zinc roofing / tar, blue lagoons - that Depths and distance were given to the houses.

wife Thea Werner (nee Henning) writes: My question there is still a photo in the archives of the family of Kate Henning by ancestors of today's school road because of my childhood there were no street names. I am a born Henning. Thanks thea.werner @
photos from the first planting in the school forest 1959th has
Mrs. Herrmann Mr. Christiansen has left two photos of the school forest of 1959 and of 1961. Those who recognize in the photos is on a small celebration 24.4. (Arbor Day) in the school forest invited by 10 clock.

enrollment 1973 - a photo by Holger Reichelt - Thank you ! Missing name under the photo of me are Detlef Kabisch been sent

front row:
Jörg Böhm,? , Heike Stoever, Thomas Granow, Andreas Dengler, Joerg Schnoor, Axel Lipp, Bernd Krause -? Behind Detlef Kabisch.
back row:
? , Dirk Stahl, Tom Vogt, Marion Black, Knuth Voss? , Holger Reichelt,? .
Voss family picture

from left: (?) Fiete Voss, Walter Voss, Annie, wife of Fiete (behind door), Auguste, Mark Voss (behind door) Hinrich Semmelhack (with hat, from Sülldorf, husband of Elsa Voss who took the picture probably taken) possibly early 40s (Walter died in the war) Greetings, Klaus Hamann

An image of the reed-roofer Mark Voss his wife Auguste Voss nee Baier. Both are 90th died aged 1966th
Seeking information on Stöver, Hinrich * 10.05.1883 compatriot in Hohenaspe oo on 06/06/1911 with Fehr, Emma * 14/12/1883
Hans Fehr Hanover 0511-438202
hans.fehrs @
Hans Fehr Hanover 0511-438202
hans.fehrs @
request from Heidi Rudiger:
We live in the Pohmannstr. 21, next to the Pohlmann Park and looking for a photo of the old forge.
The map shows not a motif from Hohenaspe, but the school has been visited by some determined High Aspern. From when it is I do not know, but the stamp (not postmarked) is from 1930. Gerhard Geissler
house on the brewery grounds Pohlmann 22nd Street The building was demolished 1965th It belonged to the park (photo by Klaus Hamann)

Images Heinz Engelhardt - submitted by Gerhard Geissler. Thank you!
Photo 1956 carpentry Ernst Krehn and son - provided by Heinz Schiemann from Münsterdorf
from left to right: Erica Raap, Klaus Katt, Friedrich Behrens, Ernst Krehn, Volker Ketels, Ernst-Hirich Krehn , calli Assmann, Max-Jürgen Krehn, Heinz Schiemann
photos that have been übmittelt of Gerhard Geissler . Thank you!

football team SC Hohenaspe II at the beginning of the 70th
+++++++ + + + +
painting the house in the Pohlmannstr. Schulstr corner. before about 100 years. Former wheelwright, Carl Baier (killed in 1915 in France) to 1915 (?) Operation. His widow sold it then probably Grete Labiche to family, ancestors of Olaf Ahmling.
+++++++ + + + +

This photo was sent by Klaus Hamann. The original is owned by Olaf Ahmling .
Mr. Hamann wrote the following:
I saw on the website the image of the mill Behrens. The following comments: My great-grandfather William Jacob desert mountain (builder of the tank in the main street) suffered in the spring of 1912 probably at the station Eden village in an accident. He died on 10.03.1912 in Hohenaspe.
This accident is being loaded with a millstone for the mill Behrens are related. He is the William Jacob probably fell on his stomach.
If you find someone that about the about something I know would be very grateful.
The following photos are from Antje Koch . Thank you! invitation to the wedding of 1882-pay attention to the time

submitted pictures of women Hinz from Hohenaspe.

The North German Rundschau published a postcard in 1978 with this text:
A greeting card from the community steinbrugischen Hohenaspe we found in our editorial archive. The map can be dated to the approximate time to the turn of the century and shows the typical view of a village at that time. A village lot, the department store in the place, the manor and of course the monument that is a must in any community.

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